Chapter 11 - The Midterms

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Hope everyone is doing well! 

Education time! Yippee! (said no one ever) Let's just get into this!


The day had finally arrived, do or die, live and learn, exams vs idiots. It was finally the day of the Midterms. You woke up to another sunny morning, you can hear some noise and movement from behind you. In the kitchen there was Yotsuba, Itsuki and Nino all gathered around the counter making breakfast for themselves.

You sit up and yawn obnoxiously loud as to notify the girls that you were awake.

"Oh Good Morning Y/N!" Yotsuba cheered

"G'Morning" You yawn again "What time is it?"

"Its 7:30am" Itsuki replied

"mmm, more sleep time" you lay your head back down and close your eyes. Still feeling pretty tired after the events of earlier tonight and yesterday.

"Hey" you hear. You open your eyes and see Nino standing over you but she was upside down due to the way you were laying down.

"Hey, you sleep alright?"

"Yeah, but more importantly..." she brings down a wooden spoon onto your head.

"OW! What the hell was that for?"

"Wake up, you still have to get ready, dummy" she spoke sweetly, despite her sour actions.

"Alright, Alright, you win" Reluctantly, you stand up and stretch. You notice that Fuutaro, Ichika and Miku are still nowhere to be seen. "Hey, where are the others?"

"Asleep still, I was just about to go and wake them up" Itsuki said, devouring the toast that was in front of her. "Oh Y/N, would you look over my answers from my work yesterday?"

"Sure thing, I'll go and do that after I have a shower" You reply as you head upstairs towards the bathroom.

Some time later, you come back downstairs, freshly clean and changed into your uniform. Fuutaro, Miku and Ichika have all come downstairs and it was now 7:40 so there was still 50 minutes before school started.

"Hey, Shower's open if anyone want to use it"

"I Will!" Fuutaro hastily shouts and runs off upstairs. Judging by the look on Ichika and Miku's face something must have happened but that wasn't of any concern to you right now, what was your concern however was breakfast. 

"Hey is there any toast left for me?" you openly ask as you make your way into the kitchen.   

"Here" Nino hands you some toast. You grip her hand momentarily.

"Thanks" you simply say as you walk off out towards the balcony, eating your toast and grabbing Itsuki's work to look through.


Third Person Perspective

Ichika had noticed that little interaction between Nino and Y/N and she had also noticed the dumb grin that was plastered across Nino's face. Nino's eyes followed Y/N to the balcony without realising. What she also didn't realise was a certain older sister creeping up behind her.

"Niiiiiinooooo" Ichika purred as she threw her arms around her sister.

Nino jumped, "Don't do that Ichika!"

"So, what's going on with you and Y/N? C'mon, you can tell your big sis"

"W-We just talked last night, about how we felt about each other"

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