Chapter 27 - Revelations

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Ichika's getting the beginning of this chapter. Reason being? I just felt like it. So Ichika fans rise up, One day I'll write an entire story for you guys. (Halfway through I got bored and wanted to get back to Nino tho lmao)


"This sucks..." you sighed to yourself as you stared at the ceiling of your now empty house.

After Nino and Itsuki had patched things up between them she decided to move back in with the rest of her sisters. It would be for the best, plus if she didn't go back they wouldn't have anyone competent to cook for them.

Today was the day that those two were going to that movie. So that left you alone as Fuutaro was currently cramming studies with Yotsuba and Miku while Ichika had something work related. The feeling of restlessness was becoming too much and you even felt cranky for a change.

Not wanting to go insane from sitting inside all day, you forced yourself to go outside and take a walk. Something that did spring to mind was heading to some nearby Batting Cages to practice for the team. Really you should be studying and the only reason why you weren't studying with everyone else is because you woke up late which was rare for you. 

Sure you could just drive over there but even in this crunch time, laziness overtook you completely. Instead you drove over to the nearby batting cages, hoping to swing away some of the knots in your brain.

The place seemed busier than usual. A lot of cars were parked up so it took you a moment to find a space. 

Upon entering the building, there were a whole bunch of cameras and important looking people everywhere. They all turned around at the sound of you entering.

"Sorry kid. The place is booked out for today, we're shooting a commercial for a new product"

"What? Just give me a corner lane and I'll be out of your way" you huffed.

"I just told you, we've booked the whole place. Don't make me tell you that a third time"

You looked straight at this guy who was talking to you. By a glance he appeared to be the director. The lady behind the counter simply shook her head when you looked her way.

"UGH, boss. It's not good. That asshole quit" a crew member suddenly said as he appeared behind you.

"HE QUIT!?" the director shouted.

Karma for denying Y/N baseball time.

Not wanting to waste anymore time here, you turned around a headed for the door.

"Wait! Y/N!? Is that you?" a voice shouted from in the crowd.

A girl stood behind you with her hair in pigtails but it was a face you would recognise anywhere.


She was wearing what could only be described as a slightly degrading baseball player outfit, her hair was in pigtails instead of her usual style. You tried not to stare too much but the outfit exposed her stomach completely and her top was tight enough to highlight her cleavage. The shorts she was wearing also looked uncomfortably form hugging.

"What the hell are you doing?" you deadpanned 

"Ahaha... come here for a second" she grabbed your hand and took you into a back room. The studio crew looked at the two of you in confusion.

"Is that her boyfriend..?" you heard someone say as she closed the door behind the both of you.

"W-What are you doing here?" she quivered

"I really should be the one asking you that, and what the hell are you wearing?"

Her face flushed red as she looked down at her own attire.

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