Chapter 22 - Antagonist

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Hey everyone new and old, hope you've been good since the last time I released a chapter! Let's get straight into this one, the gears are beginning to turn slowly towards the next arc...


"Yo Itsuki, you ready to go?" you called up to the second floor as you sat on the Quintuplets sofa browsing through your phone. Huh, I guess I ratio'd that guy on that post after all...

"Just give me one second!" you heard her call out from her room.

The two of you were the only ones at the apartment at the moment, Nino went out with friends, Ichika was rehearsing somewhere and apparently Yotsuba had taken Miku to play tennis which blew your mind when you heard it.

Today you and Itsuki were going out to some restaurant that apparently specialised in meat, according to all of her sisters, that was Itsuki's favourite type of food. With how much she usually ate you had no idea how she wasn't at least 2 sizes above her sisters but it's probably just one of those female mysteries that guys will never understand.

After what felt like forever, you heard Itsuki's shoes click and clack as she descended the staircase.

It's an odd feeling to have a girlfriend who has 4 identical sisters because even if one of the others looks as attractive as Nino does, it still takes a moment for your brain to register that they're not your girlfriend. So when Itsuki stepped downstairs, you almost spoke to her in the way you would speak to Nino if she looked this attractive.

"Is something the matter?" she tilted her head.

"Nah, never mind, in any case are you ready to head out?"

"Mmhmm" she confirmed and with that you both headed out of the apartment.


The journey to the restaurant was only a 20 minute walk so you and Itsuki talked about mostly studying and various subjects related to it.

Upon arrival you were both seated to a table for two and each given a menu.

"Hey Itsuki what do you want-"

She sat across the table from you, literally almost drooling as her eyes darted all over the menu that was in front of her. The stars in her hair replaced her pupils for a moment as she was in utter heaven.

"Hey! Itsuki!" you called out again, this time she finally snapped out of her trance and she instantly became flustered as she recognised her behaviour.

"S-Sorry... what did you say?" she mumbled.

"I asked if there was anything that caught your eye" you sighed.

"The...The..." she stuttered.

You raised and eyebrow and she tried to compose the obvious excitement she was displaying towards the menu in front of her.

"The Triple Meat Juicer Combo Deluxe!"

"What the fuck is a Triple Meat Juicer Combo Deluxe?" you can't help but say on instant reaction. You'd toned down the swearing around the girls as of late but your raw self couldn't help but slip out.

Taking a quick look at your menu to find this mythical food item that she was talking about.



"Did you even look at the price?" 

"..." she fell silent after realising. "W-Well I'll just add it to my card..." she muttered.

"Are you sure? I know you guys are rich but this food better be encased in diamonds and jewels to be priced that high".

"Y-Yeah, it'll be fine, so what are you ordering?" she asked.

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