Chapter 29 - Christmas

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Look who it is! almost 4 months later...... my bad.  I think this is the longest chapter to date,  so I hope you enjoy!


"Phew" you wiped the counter clean once more as another set of customers left the shop. It was empty at the moment so you had nothing to do until someone else came in.

It was lightly snowing outside again, the thought of your bike getting stuck in the snow wasn't too appealing so you prayed that it wouldn't get any heavier, driving on icy roads was already hard enough.

You pulled out your phone and scrolled through your texts. Tonight you were sleeping over at the quints place again, it was the first time in a while but you were excited. After work you would go home and get clothes and whatever to stay tonight and on Christmas night.

Nino had sent you a picture of her clean room where you would be sleeping. It was undecided if you were going to sleep on the floor or in bed with her but only time would tell.

There was lots of hustle and bustle outside the shop windows as people were doing their last minute shopping for Christmas. Someone as responsible as yourself already did your shopping earlier in the month, but with all 5 sisters, Fuutaro and Raiha needing to be bought for, you were ever more appreciative that you landed this job because you're bank account was taking some mega damage.

The shop remained surprisingly quiet until it was time for you to close up. Your manager even gave you a little bonus for being willing to work on Christmas Eve which was cool.

As you locked the shop up you began to walk to your motorcycle while calling Nino.


"Hey Babe, I just finished up work. I'm going home to grab some things first and then I'll be over"

"Okay, we'll see you soon!"

"Is everyone there?" 

"Yeah, all 5 of us"

"Great, I'll see you soon. Love you"

"Love you too" you hear her smooch over the phone which made you laugh.

She hangs up and you pocket your phone. "First stop.. home, then to the girls"

You'd actually gotten each of the girls a present. You'd all agreed that you were going to open them tomorrow in the morning. It had been a hell of a long time since you opened presents with a bunch of others. You also had to drop off Fuutaro and Raiha's presents but you were gonna do that sometime in the afternoon tomorrow.

"God it's cold..." you shiver as you slip on your gloves and take a seat on your bike.   

You start the engine and begin to soar down the road.


40 minutes later...

"Oh, good evening Y/N!" The pentagon receptionist calls out as you arrive at the building.

"Hey! how are you?" you lean on the desk.

"It's business as usual even on Christmas Eve" she frowned. "Are you seeing your girlfriend tonight?" she asked.

"I'm sleeping over"

"B-But don't 5 girls live up there!?" she questioned.

"He'll be fine" another voice entered the conversation from behind,. it was the cool ass Security Guard. "He's a man in his element"

"Exactly" you agreed, crossing your arms.

"Boys will be boys... no matter how old they are.." she facepalmed while simultaneously looking between you two. 

The One For Me [Nino Nakano x  Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now