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Eric was sat on the floor with his twins and watched as they giggled away. They were as close as two twins could be and Eddie would always protect his little sister, he was always there when she fell over and was always there helping her with things. He knew they were only young now but he knew life wasn't going to be easy for them. He knew that for their own protection they would have to be separated when the time came. He looked up at his wife and she was smiling as she sat down with a tea. She smiled at him.

Rachel" They are so cute aren't they"

Eric" They are aren't they, Rachel"

Rachel" Don't say it Eric, I mean it"

Eric" You know I am right though"

Rachel" They are only two Eric and besides he is dead we all saw him die"

Eric" Maybe what if he isn't dead, what if he is immortal or something you know he has never aged since all the times I've known him"

Rachel" Look I'm not going to talk about the future when I can enjoy the present and I'm certainly not worrying about the past, look I'm going out for a walk I'll be back later. Eric sighed and watched the twins play with each other.

Hours past and Eric thought it was weird how Rachel hadn't come home yet, he decided to put the twins to bed. They had always been low on funds and had only one crib that they got from some neighbours even though it was falling to bits. He placed both twins inside the cot and they gripped onto each other. Someone knocked on the door and he bolted downstairs hoping it might be Rachel and he opened it to a police officer.

Eric" Can I help you?"

Police Officer" Are you Mr Sweet?"

Eric" That is me?"

Police Officer" I'm really sorry to tell you that your wife is dead"

Eric" What, she can't be I saw her hours ago, she only said she was going for a walk"

Police Officer" Well she was found dead in the park we don't quite know how or who did it but I'm sorry sir"

Eric" Well, okay"

Police Officer" We will be in touch sir"

Eric" Yes, yes of course"

Eric closes the door and then slides down against it and starts to cry. He then heard the twins crying, it was if they knew that their mother was never coming back. He then knew it had to be him, it had to be there was no one else he could think of, he had to protect the twins, he had to do what he and his wife had tried to talk about. The twins had to be separated for their own safety and protection.

Eric stood at the airport with both of his twins both of them not knowing what was going to happen to them if they were not separated. He then looks up as his sister arrived in the airport and made her way towards him, she had agreed to take Eddie.

Auntie Clara" Hello Eric, long time no see, I'm sorry to hear about Rachel, she was a good women didn't deserve what she got"

Eric" That is why I need you to take Eddie, both of them are in danger if they stay together"

Auntie Clara*sighs* Are you sure you want to do this Eric?"

Eric" I have to it's the only way"

Auntie" Okay, I'll take him, give him to me"

Eric handed over Eddie who was sat in his pram all snuggled up, he had been asleep for the car journey as had his twin. Auntie Clara looked at him and then bid Eric goodbye.

Auntie Clara" I'll look after him, don't worry"

Eric" Daddy loves you Eddie, with all his heart"

Eric stayed standing there for a while as he watched his only son disappear with his sister. He waited till he got back to the car and sobbed, he knew that Eddie would grow up without a father and always resent him for giving him up, one day he would understand one day. He turned to look around at his only daughter and she was now awake and stared at him with her eyes, all innocent looking, the one thing he had to remind him of Rachel and he was sending them away.

Eight Hours later he arrived at an old friends, someone who had left all of what was happening behind three years ago, he knew that he would take care of her. He watched as he opened the door as Eric strode up the path with Charlie. He looked at Eric and sighed.

Eric" Thank you for this, please look after her, raise her right"

The man nodded in agreement and took her from Eric.

Eric" Charlie, just remember daddy loves you so much"

Charlie's hand moved around as she smiled.

And so the twins were separated, Eddie was sent to America to live with some relatives and Charlie was sent to live with a old friend of Eric's, both twins forgot about each other until on their sixteenth birthday they both start to have visions and one sees the other and knows that this can't just be dreams they have to be real.

Hey, so I am really excited to write this, I started one on another account but I wasn't getting much reads I don't think anyone read it and it didn't fit in with my other stories. So I made this Wattpad dedicated to twins and I'm very excited. I first watched House of Anubis and absouletly loved it and I always wondered what it would be like if Eddie had a twin, he was favourite character along with Jerome.

Anyway sorry for rambling there, these chapters will be named after the episodes and will follow the episode script with some of my own ideas in.

I really hope you like this, let me know in the comments.


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