House of Sibuna

289 11 14

Nina's POV

Amber grabs hold of my arm as we both just about jump out out the way in time, the crocodile bridge slams down echoing throughout the tunnel and most probably the house.

Amber" Okay, so that nearly killed us"

Nina" This is crazy, we are never going to outsmart Sarah's father"

Fabian" We don't have a choice, your life depends on it, look I'll get the head your two get the body"

We both nod and me and Amber take the body both sides and try to lift failing as it weighs a ton.

Fabian" Oh my god this thing weighs a ton, there is no way we are moving this"

Nina" It will take five men to move that and we won't even get it over the edge let alone the hole"

Amber" I have a idea, why don't we get the gang back together"

Nina" I don't know is that fair, I mean this is pretty dangerous stuff"

Amber" I say share it around, we can't be selfish"

Nina" I don't know I just need to think about what I am asking of you"

Charlie's POV

I finished doing my tie up and picked up my blazer, I made my way downstairs and it was unusually quiet, I mean considering the last few mornings it has been very noisy. I looked up to see my brother coming out of his and Fabian's room with his tie around his neck. I walked up to him.

Charlie" Morning Bro"

Eddie" Morning sis, how are you this today, feel better"

Charlie*smiles* Yeah, feel a bit better, still hurts but those pancakes did help"

Eddie" Oh yeah after we waited for Victor to go bed"

Charlie" Yeah I'm surprised he didn't chuck them away"

I look at my brother and hug him.

Charlie" Thanks for being there for me bro"

Eddie" Aww, love you too sis"

We entered the kitchen and Vera was busying herself in the kitchen getting cereal and toast ready. Eddie stood by the breakfast bar and had caught Patricia's eye, they were now both smiling at each other, I sigh and sit down in my usual seat. I can feel the air it's definitely different but I just don't know what. Eddie, Mara and Fabian sit down and everyone starts up a conversation. I then look up as Vera its the cereal down by Mara, who is sitting in Nina's usual seat.

Vera" So where did you three disappear to last night, it was like you just vanished into thin air?"

Eddie and Charlie" Yeah you guys do that a lot around here"

Everyone looks at us.

Eddie and Charlie" What?"

Alfie" You guys are doing that twin thing again"

Charlie" Oh"

Fabian" The reason I am never in your room, is the rubbish music you play and the volume you play it at"

Patricia" Sick puppies is not awful, Eddie is the only one around here with any taste"

I then watch as Fabian chokes on his water and everyone else looks confused at Patricia, I'm guessing this isn't normal Patricia behaviour though I did agree with the music it wasn't rubbish as Fabian said.

Charlie" You don't know what you are talking about Fabian, you seem to be more familiar with hopscotch, is that where you disappeared to last night"

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