House of Magic

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Authors Notes(1)
I missed our House of Trades not much to play with. Also Nicholas appears more in this chapter as he slowly slots into a permanent member of Sibuna.


-Girls Wing-

Charlie's POV

My brother, Jerome and I are searching for anything Frobisher Smythes, Well Eddie was downstairs. I then come across Nina and Amber's room and see a dollhouse. I pull Jerome back.

Charlie"Jerome, look"

Jerome" Wow, what's this?"

Charlie"It's a dollhouse"

Jerome" Yeah I know that is it Frobisher Smythe related?"

I help Jerome move the dollhouse around and we see the name Sarah scratched onto the back of it.

Charlie"It's Sarah, this could be it"

Jerome" We have to get this to Jasper, come on"

-Dining Room-

Fabian's POV

Victor unwraps the handkerchief, spilling its contents onto the table. We only had two amulets—the real ibis and the fake one, and...Alfie just destroyed both of them. We're staring at both broken amulets right now, incredulous and shocked.

Alfie "Like I said," "I, uh...I might've got it a bit wrong."

A bit putting things mildly. He destroyed our only chance of getting past that door. We're doomed, all thanks to the Amazing Alfredo who went off-book. He's pointedly ignoring our wide-eyed looks to him.

Suddenly, Ziestack starts to laugh loudly and actually a little maniacally. As Sweetie joins in on the guffawing, Ziestack says,

Mr Ziestack"Victor, you ruined this poor lad's trick."

Alfie nervously laughs, hitting Victor on the arm.

Alfie"You ruined the poor lad's trick."

Victor"Leave us,"

Alfie lets out a whimpering sound, running out of the dining room. The adults stay seated, whilst of the rest of Sibuna follows Alfie out, and upstairs to our Sibuna room. Something tells me the room is about to get very loud!

Alfie shuts the door once were all inside, and Nina rounds on him and immediately begins scolding him,

Nina"Alfie, I can't believe you ruined our only chance at getting through that hidden door."

Alfie"What's the matter, Nina? "Don't you believe in magic?"

Then he rubs his hands together, and then to our shock pulls an intact ibis amulet out of his sleeve and puts it around his neck.

My mouth drops open.

Nicholas" The...amulet... it's safe? "But how why would you do that to us?!"

Alfie"Well, I couldn't do a standard disappearing trick, He'd always assume we had it. I had to make him believe it was destroyed."

Patricia"You didn't think to share?"

Alfie"I needed your reactions if he was ever gonna buy it."

Fabian "But how?"

Alfie then explains,

Alfie"Okay, I knew I needed two smashed amulets to fool everyone. So I took the fake amulet, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and put it up my sleeve. I then made a decoy amulet out of clay. I dropped the decoy from my sleeve, picked up Victor's real amulet, placed it into the trick pouch, finally dropped the decoy amulet into the handkerchief, and that's the one I smashed with my shoe.

Alfie"After I showed Victor the broken clay pieces, I just took the real amulet out of the trick pouch and slipped it in my pocket. But I had to make sure Victor saw two broken amulets, so I deliberately dropped our fake amulet on the floor and stamped on it so he couldn't get a closer look at it. But the real one was safe the whole time."

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