House Of Deceit

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Eddie" Look I better go before I ask you to dance again"

Patricia" Yeah, we wouldn't want that"

Eddie" Thanks Yacker"

Both share smiles.

Fabians' POV

I rushed out of the lounge room and see Amber but no Nina. I sigh.

Fabian" It was a accident"

Amber" What, fell on Joy's lips did you"

Fabian" No look Amber, I can explain everything, just let me see Nina"

Amber" I can't let you pass, she said she doesn't want to see you and anyway, she isn't at the house, she is in the girls toilets"

I try my best to push past Nina but failing as Amber elbows me in the ribs.

Fabian" Amber, please just let me see her"

Amber" No Fabian, I am not letting you go in there not now, not ever!"

My voice cracks as I just really needed to see Nina.

Fabian" I am just worried she is in danger, please it's not just about the kiss, everything in the dream has come true, I may not have kissed Nina but I kissed a girl in the same dress. Look I'm just glad she is behind that door and not anywhere near the house"

Amber*sighs* Ermm, well about that, you see she isn't behind this door"

Fabian" WHAT, what do you mean Amber?"

Amber" Okay, look I didn't know she was in danger, look even she is at the house she has no need to go down to the tunnels on her.. Oh"

Fabian" Oh, what does Oh mean, Amber?"

Amber" Well you see before "it" happened she was coming to tell you that she had figured out how to get across the chasm"

'Fabian" We need to go, now!"

Eddie's POV

I finished talking with Patricia and then saw sister sitting on her own sighing. I sit down beside her.

Eddie" Hey, sis, bad night huh?"

Charlie" This is the worst dance I have ever been too, I mean first the boy I liked didn't want to dance with me"

Eddie" Wait he didn't dance with you"

Charlie*shakes her head* No, her is probably to buys hiding"

Eddie" Tell you want why don't we go back to the house after this, dances were never my thing either"

Charlie*smiles* I like that idea"

Eddie" I just got to do something, wait here"

I was going to kill Jerome, or mostly likely make him sing I'm coming around the mountain. I find him hiding again and grab his shirt.

Jerome" Whoa, hey, Oh Miller, Um I was just about to.."

Eddie" Sing I'm coming around the mountain"

Jerome" Yeah but the night is not over"

Eddie" It is for me and for my sister who looks like she is having the worst time of her life"

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