House of Missions

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Eddie's POV

I was sitting with Patricia and she had announced that Rufus Zeno was a private investigator, I sigh.

Eddie" Patricia, I know who Rufus Zeno is, my sister, me and Jerome found out he was working with Jasper"

Patricia" So you know he is bad news"

Eddie" Yes, my dad phoned him and he says that as long as he gets what he wants nothing will happen to Jerome and my sister"

Patricia" We have to get them back"

Eddie" I know but how, if we mess up he could hurt them"

Patricia" Just have to make sure we don't mess up"

Mara then comes in still worried about Jerome.

Mara" I'm worried about Jerome, I mean why hasn't he text me or anything"

Patricia and I know we are going to have to lie to Mara.

Patricia "Okay. Okay, he's not Jerome's uncle. He's...he's...he's a private investigator."

Mara"Ugh, again?"

Eddie"What is this, like, a regular thing for him?"

Mara"So why's he hiring a P.I this time?"

Eddie "Hold on, Mara. I want to know about last time."

Patricia "It's got to do with his dad. That's all he told me."

Eddie "Maybe he wants to clear his name."

Mara" I still don't why he would tell you Patricia and not me"

Patricia"Yeah, well, me and Jerome are really close these days."

Eddie"Since when?"

Patricia"Well, I mean, not like close-close.

Mara" Wait what has Charlie got to do with this"

Eddie" They are dating remember, I think she is helping him"

Mara" Oh yeah"

Mara looked despondent like she had forgotten Charlie and Jerome were dating.

Patricia" Anyway I have got to go help Joy with her macramé."

As Patricia leaves I follow her out leaving Mara on her own thinking about only Jerome most likely. I pull her to the side away from the door.

Eddie" Don't you think we should tell Mara"

Patricia" No you know what Rufus is like it's better that she doesn't know"

Eddie" I suppose you are right, look I am going to check in with my dad, I'll see you later yeah"

Patricia" Okay"

Nicholas's POV

I am sat on my twin's bed with her and we are both fretting about our gran and this mask.

Fabian" It's okay. We'll have the mask by tomorrow night. Your gran's gonna be fine, What else did Senkhara say?"

Nicholas" We have until sundown, and then she's coming after us"

Nina"One by one"

Alfie" Oh, perfect.All we need to do is get through a sheet of unbreakable glass"

As I'm trying to comfort my sister, Patricia runs in.

Patricia" Bad, bad, bad news."

Amber" Trust me, nothing you could say could make this day any worse."

Patricia" Rufus has taken Jerome and Charlie,"

Alfie" What?"

Amber"And I'm wrong,"

Patricia"What's going on in here?"

Nicholas"We have until sundown tomorrow to get the Mask,"

Nina" Or we all die"

So after much chat we decided that Eddie should come to the barn with us since it was his sister that had been kidnapped.

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