House of Captives

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House of Captives

Charlie's POV

Jerome and I had ducked behind the hay bales.

Jerome" Charlie, no, you should go get out of here"

Charlie" I'm not leaving without you"

We both look over the hay bales and Rufus is running out, we both duck down again. Then we hear a loud smash and it distracts Rufus.

Charlie" My brother is here"

Jerome" How can you tell?"

Charlie" I can feel him, he is here"

Jerome" We have to get out of here, come on"

We make our way to the end of the hay bales and then Jerome trips over a rake and it crashes into the barn. We both curse under our breath and then we hear Rufus.

Rufus" Jerome, Charlie, come, come out wherever you are"

Charlie" He is going to find us"

Jerome" Come on, this way"

We make our to the other end of the hay bale and we are just about to make a break for it when Rufus grabs Jerome by his collar, me managing to slip from his grasp.

Rufus" You really think that you could get away with it that easily? You are valuable pawn! And a little leverage goes a long way!"

He shoves Jerome back into the barn. I have legged it over to where my brother, Fabian, Patricia and Alfie are. I grab my brother and we hug tight.

Eddie" Oh twinnie, I'm so glad you are okay"

Charlie" Yeah I'm okay, just got a bit of a sprained ankle"

We both share a twin hug and feel complete again after so long.

Fabian" Let's see if we can get a better look"

Nicholas's POV

Nina and I along with Joy and Amber were all stood in the library looking for a key.

Amber"This would be so much easier, without all these crates lying around."

Joy"Well, it's all getting shipped out tomorrow, might be best to try then."

Amber"We've only got until sundown."

Nina"There's no time, Come on, let's look upstairs."

My sister walks over to the stairs and then her eyes widen, she always does this when she has an idea. She's stops suddenly right by it.

Nina"Wait...of course. Lift the wings to find the book. The doll riddle!"

Joy "Doll riddle?"

Amber"Joy, we don't have time for a rookie recap,"

Nina"That's right, the doll lead Victor here, He was looking over here."

Nicholas "And Trudy, when she was trapped with the dollhouse, she saw a picture of a key, and she said something about wings and the seat of learning."

Nina turns one of the bars, and where there was just in front of a hidden compartment opens up.


Nicholas"Go Sis,"

Nina"This was meant to hold the Book of Isis but didn't. Let's see if it holds something else now."

Joy"Sure there isn't an excuses book in there, too? Because if Jasper comes back, we're gonna need them."

Amber "Joy, breathe, This is how we roll."

Amber hands Nina something and she begins to cut the fabric, then we all see it a key, a golden one like in the tunnel.

Nicholas" Yes! Let's go!"

We get up to leave and exit via the bookcase but Mr Sweet walks in and catches us.

Mr Sweet"Aha, so this is where you've all been hiding."

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