House of Speculation

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House of Speculations

Fabian's POV

Once we reached the grate we had discovered, I started looking for a way to open it with the help of my torch. I then manage to get the grate off.
Fabian "Bingo, Let's go. Come on, the mosaic's up here."

We all crawl out of the tunnel into the library. And Amber has immediately started moaning.

Amber "That tunnel's a health and safety nightmare, If it wasn't a secret, I'd complain. I have allergies, you know."

I had gone to see if I could find the mosaic but come back downstairs annoyed.

Fabian"It's not there."
Nina"Well, spread out, It's got to be here somewhere."
Fabian "Okay, you two take upstairs, Patricia, and Alfie" 

Alfie "Remind me what this mosaic looks like again?"
Nina"Osiris. Green, mosaic-y."
Amber"And kind of tacky,"

We then hear Nicholas all excited.

Nicholas"Guys, I've got it!"

Patricia and Alfie run downstairs and we all crowd around Nicholas he's opened up a drawer in Jasper's desk. He must be repairing it because some of the pieces are a plain solid white colour, definitely not what should be in a mosaic. But right there in the middle is a piece with our falcon on it.
Fabian"Four reflectors out of six," .

I take a small scalpel and start carefully cutting it out so we can take it with us.

Nina"Careful, Easy does it."
Amber"Yeah, because we wouldn't want to break it, what with it being so very, very pretty."
Fabian"We got it."

We now have another reflector. Amber then moans again.
Amber"Can we go now?, It's like being surrounded by homework."

We make our way back through the tunnel but Alfie finds out that Eddie and Mara had successfully managed to sneak down to the cellar as planned. Though Alfie stopping made Patricia crash into him and make a scene, this wakes Eddie and Mara and they then manage to get probably half of Amber.

Nina's POV

I straighten up as I wake up and then get up to head to the girls bathroom, I then rush back in and see it, no no not this, I flick on the light.

Amber"Hey, bring away the artificial light bulb."
Nina"Do you notice anything different?"
Amber"Oh, I always get this wrong, Did you straighten your hair?"
Nina "Amber, look!"

I point to the wardrobe, the very empty wardrobe.
Amber"Nina, there's nothing there"
Amber" Who would steal the dollhouse, I bet it was Vera, she is evil remember"

Nina" I can't believe the dollhouse is gone.

Amber" I'm sorry Nina, I forgot to lock up"

Nina" It's okay I rushed you"

Charlie's POV

I entered the dining room and my twin and Mara were huddled around the laptop. My brother ushers me over.

Eddie" Twinnie, come look at this, we got a ghost"

Mara" Well we are not too sure are we"

Eddie" Look"

He shifts over a bit so I can sit and I look at the computer.

Charlie" I don't see anything"

Eddie" Look there"

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