House of Reflections

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House of Reflections

Fabian's POV

Alfie"So the seven little stars are seven random objects,"

Alfie tells Patricia, Amber and me and Nina at breakfast the next morning.

Fabian"Yeah, But the riddle says they borrow light, so we think they must be reflectors in some way."

Amber"Shiny stuff, mirrors. You've come to the right girl."

Patricia "I'm guessing, they're not just regular mirrors."

Nina "We tried regular mirrors, well, mirror shards, and they didn't work. But the riddle said something about a secret falcon."

Fabian"We think they each have some sort of bird symbol on them. 'The falcon takes flight?'"

Amber "So we hunt the shiny stuff," Can't be that hard to find shiny reflectors with a falcon on them, right? "What does the dollhouse say in its usual unclear dollhouse way?"

Fabian"Nothing yet, what we really need is a clue as to where the reflectors might be. Are you okay?"

I look across at Nina she is looks like she is worried about something, it would make sense. Nina snaps out of her daze.

Nina"I don't know. I keep thinking I've seen this bird symbol before, but it's like I can almost picture it, and then it's gone. Wait, what day is today?"

Patricia"Tuesday, Why?"

Nina"I meant to go visit Gran with Trudy, I almost forgot."

Fabian"You've had a lot on your mind," "Anyway, if she knew the truth, she'd tell you to hurry up, find the Mask, and get yourself uncursed, or else."

Nina"I guess..."

Charlie's POV

Eddie and I are walking into school that morning satchels swinging by your sides.

Charlie" So where did you go yesterday, I didn't see you all day, I missed my twin"

Eddie" Oh yeah I went to the library in town to see if I could find anything on our bracelets"

Charlie" You went to the library"

Eddie" Yeah"

Charlie" You Eddie Miller, my twin brother who likes to cause trouble"

Eddie" Yeah why is it that so hard to believe"

Charlie" I don't know, I never pegged you as a library person"

Eddie" What because I'm not a nerd like Fabian"

Charlie" Never mind, did you find anything?"

Eddie*shakes his head* No nothing, it's like these bracelets don't exist"

He opens his locker and Jerome appears beside us.

Jerome" Hey Twins has anyone you got the notes for French"

Charlie" I have you can borrow mine"

Jerome" What's up Eddie?"

Eddie" I don't know"

Jerome" What you can't talk in front of your sister"

Eddie" Oh no its not that, we tell each other everything"

Jerome" Right, look if it's about me, I'm not that bad am I?"

Eddie" Well you are dating my sister"

Charlie" Eddie"*shoves him lightly*

Eddie" Okay fine, it's about the date"

Jerome" I knew it, it was terrible wasn't it"

Charlie" Jerome"*slaps him*

Jerome" Ow"

Eddie" No the date was fine, great actually it's just at the end we didn't kiss"

Jerome" Oh but I thought you were one of those cool guys you know"

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