House of Collections

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Charlie's POV

Vera eventually leaves after we hear the collector yell to her. All three of us let out a sigh of relief. When Vera and Jasper have left we make our way back now soaking wet.

When we get back to the house we are all soaking wet and try very hard not to drip water all over the entrance hall. Jerome and Eddie head to the boys bathroom while I head upstairs to the girls. I sit down on the bath and tried to process what had just happened. I always knew Vera was no good, she was very crafty and the conversation Jerome and I heard under the bed was the collector who ever they are. I sighed and knew I would think better on a god nights sleep. I dried myself off as much as could and then headed to bed.

Fabian's POV

Nina,Nicholas, Amber and I are standing in Nina and Amber's room staring at the dollhouse, the figurines hadn't moved they were still in the entrance hall.

Fabian"The figurines are still in the entrance hall,"

Nina"Great," "But the riddle doll definitely isn't. So that must mean.."

Nicholas"They're pointing at something else."

Amber"But what?"

I then have a lightbulb moment.


Amber "Gesundheit."

Fabian "No, look. It's right there on the chart,"

The Osiris symbol is right opposite the one for sarcophagus.

Nicholas" There is a sarcophagus in the entrance hall, but there was nothing made of glass in it, Alfie checked. "Remember that old mosaic that was in the hall? That's of Osiris."

Amber"Oh, yeah," Oh, that thing, I forgot about that. "Oh, it's really awful."

I point at the symbols on the zodiac.

Fabian"Osiris is right opposite sarcophagus, Which means he is locked in stone, like a mosaic. Why didn't I think of this sooner?"

Fabian"Don't worry about that, Let's just go get it."

As we are downstairs looking Alfie joins us shortly followed by Patricia who comes down with Joy. After Patricia manages to get rid of Joy we all start discussing.

Nina"I think we found one of our reflectors, Do you remember that ugly green mosaic?"

Patricia"Oh, yeah. It was awful."

Nicholas"Wait what."

Patricia"Well, Trudy got rid of it, remember? She hated it."

Fabian"It's gone?"

Nina sighs, closing her eyes.

Nina"Oh, no."

Eddie's POV

My sister and I were sat with Mara reviewing the footage and we had heard a voice on the recording, I then see Patricia come in.

Eddie"Hey, Yacker, Skepti-manic, Listen to this."

I hit play and the voice plays saying turn the lights down.

Patricia"What,What's that?"

Charlie"Biggest story this school has ever seen,"

Eddie" I'm telling you, we can leave the camera in the living room, But I don't think we're gonna get anything"

Mara"But we heard her voice in there".

Charlie" Did we? It came from through the floor"

Mara" You think she lives in the cellar?"

Eddie" Well, that's where I'd live, If I was dead and stuck between two worlds.

Charlie" You?"

Mara" Haven't given it that much thought, but we haven't got another video camera.

Eddie" We'll do it in person"

Mara" How?

Charlie" We'll just sneak down when Victor stokes the furnace"

Eddie"Feel bad to the bone?"

Mara" Uh-huh"

Twins"Embrace it, Mara"

Patricia's POV

Patricia "She just whacked him all playful, Did you see that?"

Amber "This whole tragedy might have been avoided had you not broadcast his and his twin sisters secret geek identity to the entire school."

Nina"Uh, guys, "I think we have bigger problems here, like the whole school knowing about the Senkhara thing."

Patricia"That's a matter of opinion."

Nina "Besides, relax. It's probably nothing."

It's at that moment that Joy and Fabian enter the room again, and Fabian gives her a happy hug. Nina's mouth drops open at the sight.

Patricia"Relax, it's probably nothing,"

Fabian runs toward us and sits down.

Fabian"Guys, you will never—guess what?"

Amber" You figured out new, cruel ways to play with Nina's emotions,"

I stare at her really confused then realise what she is talking about.

Fabian"No. No, Joy's helping me. Us. She found the mosaic. It's in the library."

Nina" Well where is it?"

Fabian"I couldn't get it. Not with Joy so close,"

I then notice what I have said and Nina's expression.

Fabian" And—and—and all the exhibition visits. We have to go in after closing to get it."

Patricia"How? "It's gonna be all locked up."

Nina" The secret passage"

Charlie's POV

While my brother was off ghost hunting with Mara I was with Jerome and we were just about ambush Jasper after what we had seen last night.

Jerome" Truth time.I know Vera's involved"

Jasper" Jerome, Charlie what are you doing here?"

Charlie" No more lies, we were there"

Jerome" We know she's involved"

Jasper" Fine yes, Vera is involved. But she's not the collector"

Jerome" Do you know who he is?"

Jasper" No. And there's nothing I can do about Vera, Not while the collector's got Trudy. We need that Dollhouse"

With my brother still ghost hunting, he texted me to say he was down in the cellar with Mara. They had gone down when Victor went to stoke up the cellar. I help Jerome lift the dollhouse we had found in the wardrobe. We carefully carry it downstairs.

Story Notes
So Sibuna are trying to figure out the next reflector while Patricia still seems jealous of Mara and Eddie. While Eddie still ghost hunts with Mara, Charlie helps Jerome with the dollhouse.

Authors Notes
Let me know what you think of this, I really appreciate your comments.
Thanks X

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