House or Alibis

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Nina's POV

I look over at Alfie, he is fast asleep, I had managed to get him to sleep with the music box that was sat on my dresser. I then look at Amber, I wouldn't tell her but she looks awful, like wrinkles all over face, grey hair, I felt helpless this was my fault everyone was cursed, if I had just kept my mouth shut.

Nina"You should get some sleep, Amber, You need it as much as Alfie does,"

Amber"No, I want to help,"

Nina"Might be easier to read if I turn the light on?"

Amber "No, please, don't, Please don't turn a light on"

Nina"Okay. So anything about funeral laments or the Song of Hathor in there, or do we need to raid the antechamber for more books?"

Amber"Nothing so far, It's actually kind of fascinating. Why didn't you tell me?"

I suddenly then find something.

Nina"Okay, no mention of instruments here, but this book does have the lyrics. Egypt mourns Tutankhamen / killed by a stepmother's knife / the song of Hathor shall declare / Senkhara took his life."

Amber"Our ghost lady killed King Tut?"

Nina"According to this, Wow! At least we know what we're up against now, A spirit that killed the most well-known pharaoh of all time."

Amber"Do we?" Amber retorts. "Who knows what she's capable of? And why does she have to pick on us? It's so unfair. I had a lot of stuff planned, and I'm past it before I've even graduated. Things could not be worse."

I try to comfort Amber then Fabian bursts in.

Fabian"Something really bad has happened."

Amber"Worse than this?"

I watch as she points at her face.

Eddie's POV

I am sat at the table on my phone waiting for Patricia to come over with the food she said she would apparently cook. I looked at the text.

Hey bro, good luck. Have a great date. Just don't do any silly jokes.
Charlie X

I roll my eyes and shoot her a text back.

Chat later

I look up as Patricia comes over with two plates which have burgers on and they look soooo good. She sets it down on the table which is also decorated with candles. She then uses her laptop to talk to me.

Eddie" Wow who would of thought you could cook Yacker"

Patricia" Who would of thought you could make a compliment"

Eddie" Yeah, though it is like being romanced by R2D2"

Patricia then presses keys and they all make robot noises.

Eddie" Very cute"

Patricia" So I know about your dad, your sister and America, what about your Aunt?

Eddie" Oh you don't want to talk about her, boring, lets talk about you, how when you kissed me it was the best kiss ever"

Patricia then sips her orange juice not saying much.

Eddie" Okay I didn't think it was that bad, second best at least, third, fourth"

Patricia" You were the worst"

Eddie" The worst, the worst don't be afraid to be honest, I don't have to be here"

Patricia" First, you were the first boy I've ever kissed"

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