House of Reckoning

149 6 4

Quite a long one, enjoy x

Nina's POV

After I crash into Victor I realise that he has a piece of paper with the zodiacs we are missing. As I try to hurriedly pick things up papers disappear over the stairs, Victor grumbles.

Victor"Oh, do not move from there Miss Martin stay exactly where you are"

I watch as Victor descends down the stairs and I quickly grab all my things as well as Victor's zodiac chart. I then lean over the banister.

Nina" Sorry Victor but this History test is not going to ace itself"

I hear him scream for me as I run to my room.

Nina" Amber, we're in trouble!"

I grab a bucket off the vanity and then gesture to the magazine on Amber's nightstand.

Nina|"I'll need this, grab that and come with me, Fabian hide"

I grab Amber's wrist and we make a run towards the bathroom.

Amber "What are we doing?"

Victor "Miss Martin, come here at once!"

I push Amber into the bathroom.

Nina "Sorry, Victor, urgent girl talk."

Amber"Okay, what's going on?, I'm in the middle of important negotiations."

Nina"I just had a run-in with Victor, and look what he dropped."

I show Amber the Zodiac sheet.


Nina"The zodiac from the tunnels, "Yeah. But this one has the symbols we're missing."

Amber gasps and puts her phone back to her ear.

Amber"Can you hold, please, Daddy?"

There's a knock on the door.

Victor "Nina Martin, you have something that belongs to me, and I want it back."

Nina "Hurry,"

I urge Amber to take a photo of the complete zodiac with her phone. Amber nods telling me she has got it, I then proceed to put the curlers in Amber's head.

I hurriedly shove the curlers in Amber's hair as quick as I can, then pick up the magazine I had asked Amber to grab.

Nina "Done! Sorry, Amber."

Amber then takes a deep breath.

Amber"What did you do?"

Victor then pounds on the door again indicating he is getting more angry than he has, if that is even possible.

Victor"You have, until the count of five to give me back that piece of paper. If you do not, the consequences will be severe. One, two, three, four—"

I open up the magazine to a random page as I open the door.

Nina "Sorry, Victor. Just had to master Amber's look for prom. After all, it's, uh—"

Victor"It is a very long way off."

Nina "True, but hey, it's never too early to get ready, right? Anyway, I think we cracked it."

I push Amber back to our room, I had put yellow curlers in her hair and they were now bouncing around her shoulders. Victor now annoyed snatches the sheet from me.

Victor "Mine, I think. And if you ever try to pull a stunt like that again—"

Nina "My bad, Victor,"What is it, anyway?"

Victor glares, pointing a finger at the two of us before leaving the corridor.

I turn to Amber.

Nina"Did you get it?"

Amber shows us the clear photo of the zodiac on her phone and confirms with a grin.

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