House of Forgeries

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Charlie's POV

I was stood with my brother and boyfriend in Frobisher Library a place I had got quite accustomed to being in. We were also waiting with The Scooby Doo gang to talk to Jasper about the dollhouse we had stolen and the collector now has. Jasper appears at the bottom of the stairs with books in his hand.

Jasper "Oh, grim faces. Well, what can I do for you?"

Amber"Well, first you can grovel, Then you can help us get Trudy and our dollhouse back."

Jasper then sigh and looks at Jerome, Eddie and I and we all look sheepish.

Jasper "You shouldn't have told them Jerome, Charlie, Eddie."

Fabian "He wouldn't have had to if you'd been honest with me."

Jasper"I didn't want to put you in danger. Trudy got too involved, and look what's happened to her. I was trying to keep you safe."

Alfie"Safe, shmafe. We're gonna bust her out, aren't we?"

Fabian "Which is why we need your help"

Jasper looks reluctant.

Nicholas"Well, you're going to help us, aren't you, Jasper?"

Jasper "Everyone has an Achilles heel, and the Collector's is antiquities. The one thing he wants more than anything, or anyone else is the Mask of Anubis."

Amber "Yeah, well, you can tell him to get in line,"

Fabian"No, but if Jasper tells him he has the Mask of Anubis then he'll want to go and meet him. And then while he's gone, we can rescue Trudy."

Patricia"Great plan, tiny flaw."

Nina and Nicholas"What?"

Amber"We don't have the Mask."

Both twins then approach the case for the fake mask, both twins had obviously had the same thought.

Nina and Nicholas" Yeah but Rufus doesn't know that does he"

Fabian "We can use the replica. Nina, Nicholas you're both brilliant."

Jerome's POV

I was sat on the table that was leant against the sofa. I was listening to the plan to get Trudy back, The Twins were not coming as we couldn't have to many people going. We were going to check in with the twins later.

Nina "Okay, Alfie," Nina says, the replica tucked away in his bag, "you're gonna give the replica a spray job. Make it look convincing."

Alfie "Art room, here I come."

Jerome "What if Rufus, knows it's only a replica?"

Fabian"Well, if Alfie does a half-decent job, he won't be able to tell. No one's seen the original, not even him."

Nicholas "So let's just make this clear, Jerome, you're gonna take Fabian, me, Amber, Nina, and Alfie to the barn where Rufus is holding Trudy apparently once Alfie gives Jasper the mask. Then we wait while Jasper lures Rufus to the mask."

Nina "Patricia, you sure you don't mind staying here to cover for us?"

Patricia"Yeah, I'll just attract attention if I come. Sweetie's been taking even more of an interest in me now I'm dating Junior #1."

Charlie's POV

I was moving the article downwards as me and my twin read it, he was leaning on my shoulder while I held the laptop, we had been reading a few new articles on the website. I pointed at a moment and Eddie chuckled. Joy then sat next to Eddie.

Joy" What's that? Daddy put skateboarding on the curriculum?"

Eddie" No, have you seen this new blog on the website, Jackal anonymous?"

Mara then pipes up.

Mara" It's good, isn't it? I mean, it's okay"

Charlie" Okay? This thing is gold"

Eddie" It's like a mash-up of all the best times me and my sister have had since we have been here.

Charlie" Here: "bake-off face off, donkey diner," "sweetie's moves"

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