House of De Ja Vu

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House of De ja vu

When we got back to the school, the lounge looked completely different i mean I know me and Eddie helped with the decorations but it looked so much better than it did earlier. I pulled back the curtain that me, my brother and Patricia had helped set up. My brother nudged me and we both looked to see the metal band we had arranged to come.

Eddie" Oh my god they are here, come on"

We head backstage and Patricia has noticed the absence of a classical Quintet.

Patricia" What is this, there are meant to be a quintet"

Charlie" I count five"

Eddie" Yeah look, one, two, three, four, five"

Patricia" But they are supposed to be a classical band"

Eddie" This is a classic"

Patricia" This was both of your doing wasn't it"

She directs her angry stares at us.

Eddie" So you just assume it was us, just because we are the bad kids in town"

Patricia" I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that"

Eddie" No it's okay, besides you are right, it was us"

Patricia" Eugghhh, why"

Charlie" What can we say, partners in crime"

I head over to get some food from the table and Jerome is hiding under the table.

Charlie" Jerome why are you hiding under the table?"

Jerome" I may have given Joy and Nina the same dress and now they are after my blood"

Charlie*sigh* Oh Jerome, you know you have to give them their money back"

Jerome" Not if they don't find me"

Charlie" Jerome, you can't hide forever and anyway you are supposed to be my date to this dance"

Jerome" Sorry Charlie"

Then Nina and Joy come over and see Jerome who is still trying to hide under the table.

Nina" Jerome"

Joy" Jerome!"

Jerome" Okay, look in my defence I did think they were different and we are missing the point you both look stunning, don't they Fabian"

Fabian" Oh I think everything is stunning"

We then looked at the stage, the metal band had started playing and very loudly. Victor marches in and runs up the stage to unplug everything. The band look at him in annoyance. Victor then looks at Patricia and waggles his finger.

Victor" You...."

Patricia pulls a face and walks over to Victor.

Patricia" It was a mixup, I didn't realise they were going to be a thrash metal band"

Victor" They are called Horns of Metal"

Patricia" I though it meant horns like"*shows like she is playing a horn* They are a Quintet"

Victor" I don't care what they are, you will remedy this, I don't care how you do it but if you don't this will be the end of your night"

Eddie" You didn't rat me or my sister out Yacker"

Patricia" I don't rat people out, look you are going to help me fix this, I would ask you twin as well but I don't know where she is, come on"

Eddie" Do you really think we can fix this, take it from a guy who ruins things"

Patricia" Come on"

I stand with Jerome and then the curtains open and the band who were a thrash metal band now playing classical music.

Jerome" Well, this is better"

Charlie*smiles* Yeah it's nice"

Both start dancing together.

Really hope you like this. This is the chapter I missed. I forgot to split the episode in half.

Let me know what you think.


Thanks X

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