House of Dead Ends

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Lots of cute twin ness in this chapter.

Nina's POV

Okay so some time during the night, the rest of the sibuna gang fell asleep but me and Fabian managed to get the amulets back, it was very risky but we managed it. There was one point we were sure he would wake up but he didn't so that was a win for us.

When we got up the next Victor was still sound asleep in his office. We both glad of this so we wouldn't have to face him, when he finds out that the amulets are gone, he was going to furious and know that we did it. We both come downstairs to meet The Sibuna lot.

Fabian" Is Victor still asleep?"

Patricia"Sleeping like a baby,"

Amber" Well Lucky old Victor"

Nina*chuckles* I don't think he will see it that way"

Fabian" Which is why we need to get to school before he wakes up"

Nina" That's right, then tonight we go down to the tunnels"

Alfie" But guys what about breakfast"

Charlie's POV

I wake up the next morning and see Eddie next to me still. I smile, I was lucky to have him after losing my so called dad and then having to leave Jason. I knew that it was all going to be new and scary, I mean the friends part was never an issue, I never had any at the start. Jason told me I would be fine but I knew that I was still going to be on my own. But then I met my long lost twin brother and everything changed, I felt we had such a strong connection we could take on the world. I then hear Eddie groan and he looks over at me.

Eddie" Morning, how are you this morning?"

Charlie" Better, thanks for being there for me last night"

Eddie" That's okay, you are my sister, us twins got to stick together anyway I would hate to see you any sort of pain"

Charlie" Same, I would hate to see you in any sort of pain"

Both Twins hug.

Eddie" Maybe we could have some twin bonding time later, I mean after I have done my punishment Patricia.

Charlie" When did this happen?"

Eddie" Last night for some reason Patricia decided that it would be funny to stick a bucket above my door and when it fell on me we made such a noise that Victor gave us detention"

Charlie" Oh well good luck with that, you know she probably did it because she likes you"

Eddie" I am not sure about that, what about you and Jerome, how are things there?"

Charlie" I haven't spoken to him since the night of the dance and I don't think I want to"

Eddie" Well I am happy that you stay away from Jerry, he is definitely trouble"

Charlie" Oh yeah, I know someone else like that"

Eddie" Shut up"

Eddie playfully slaps me and I slap him back. I go to leave then turn around.

Charlie" Have fun in detention"

Eddie" Yeah, yeah"

Eddie's POV

When I was dressed I decided to make my way to the kitchen where I saw Patricia already there.

Patricia" Hey Weasel"

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