House of Hacks

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Okay, so I did actually think this one was longer which is embarrassing. The other one has more words.

Nina's POV

Me, Amber and Fabian are sat at the table doing our homework, well Amber was reading a fashion magazine in her maths textbook. Victor comes in and announces he is finished searching our rooms.

Victor" The search is complete you may now return to your rooms but there will be some grave consequences for those who left"

Patricia then runs in out of breath.

Victor" Starting with you Miss Williamson, where on earth have.....

Vera" Victor I think they have been cooped up long enough how about we leave it"

Victor*sighs* Okay, fine you may go"

Victor and Vera leave and Alfie nudges Jerome and gets attention from the others.

Alfie" Awww, look at the little twins asleep together"

We all follow Alfie to the sofa and there they are both cuddled into each other.

Alfie" How do they sleep so close like that?"

Fabian" Well they are twins and twins share the same womb together"

Patricia" Whoa, too much information Fabian"

Fabian" Well they do, that's probably why they sleep like that"

Alfie"I've got to get a photo of this"

Jerome" Alfie don't"

Alfie" Oh come on Jerome, just because you like her"

Patricia" Ewww, you like one of The Weasel Twins?"

Jerome" Ewww, so do you?"

Patricia" I do not"

Nina" Why don't we let them sleep"

Alfie" I am still getting a photo of them"

Alfie snaps a photo before him and Jerome leave the room.

Charlie's POV

I open my eyes and realise that me and Eddie have got ourselves into a tangle. I unwrap my arms from his which stirs him.

Charlie" Hey bro, nice sleep?"

Eddie" Oh yeah, okay, did we fall asleep together"

Charlie" It looks like it"

Eddie" Oh god do you reckon everyone else saw"

Charlie" I would put money on it"

Eddie" Come on I need to get up, I have to use the bathroom"

Charlie" Fine I'm getting up, I have to go check on something"

Both of us leave the sitting room everyone else now nowhere to be seen. While my brother heads to the bathroom, I head to Jerome and Alfie's room. I push open the door and he is sat against the bed his eyes closed. Looks like he is having a little siesta as well. I quietly snap a pic of him and then nudge him gently awake. He jumps and I chuckle.

Charlie" Its just me"

Jerome" Oh hey, Miller what do you want?"

Charlie" Though I would come see if the goose has given you anything"

Jerome"Oh, uh"

He turns around to check the goose and then gets all excitement.

Jerome" Oh yes, yes, you beauty, there we are one gem straight from the digestive system of a very relived goose"

Charlie*chuckles* Eww, no Jerome don't drip everywhere, keep that away from me, maybe you should wash it, like a lot"

Jerome" Okay, okay, come on then"

We leave Jerome's room to visit the bathroom luckily my brother is not in there anymore so we can wash the gem without questions. I sit on the bath while Jerome washes it at the sink.

Charlie" Jerome make sure you wash it throughly"

Jerome" No it's okay, just a quick wash will do"

Charlie" No Jerome, at least put some soap on it, it's been inside a goose"

I pick up the soap and pump some on the gem. I stand by as Jerome continues to clean the gem and then it slips out of his hands and down the plug hole.

Jerome" No, no, no"

Charlie" Well, at least it's clean now"

Jerome" That's not funny"

Charlie" We can get back can't we, we could get the sink pipe off"

Jerome" Oh yeah, where do you keep your toolbox?"

Charlie*chuckles* Perhaps we could get some help off Vera, mind you I've said to my brother I don't trust her"

Jerome" Me neither"

Charlie" Look, just stay here and I'll get some tongs or something"

Jerome" Tongs?"

Charlie" Just stay there, I'll see what I can find"

I exit the boys bathroom and head to the laundry room, I look for a toolbox and some tongs from the cupboard. I grab them both and then head back to the bathroom but manage to bump into my brother on the way who looks very confused, as would I if someone bumped into me with tongs and a toolbox. He takes my arms.

Eddie" Hey sis, where are you going in such a hurry.... With a toolbox and tongs?"

Charlie" Oh it's nothing, I tell you later"

Eddie" Oh no I want to know, where are you going, come on we are twins"

Charlie" How about I tell you later on a twin date"

Eddie" How about we still go on that twin date but you also tell me what you are up to?"

Eddie then pulls puppy dog eyes which make me smile.

Charlie" Okay, okay, come on"

I open the door and Jerome is waiting at the sink.

Jerome" Hey, what took you so long Miller"

Jerome then sees Eddie.

Jerome" Oh you brought you brother, why did you bring your brother?"

Eddie*chuckles*Nice to see you too Jerry"

Charlie" What he is my twin we share everything with each other"

Jerome*looks at Charlie*

Charlie" Okay and he caught me in the corridor"

Eddie" So what are we doing here?"

Jerome" Well we are trying to get a gem out from the sink, I mean we know it's clean since I sanitised the heck out of it"

Charlie" Yeah we just have to get the tongs down the sink and see if we can get it out"

Eddie" Oh look, you don't even need the tongs, I can get the sink off if you like, I'm kind of very handy, used to do all my mum's odd jobs and stuff like that around the house"

Jerome" Well be my guest Miller"

Story Notes

So the goose has been returned too where ever it came from and now Jerome faces more drama with the gem. At least he has The Twins to help him.

Authors Notes

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