House of Fronts

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Charlie's POV

I am currently standing in the hallway with Alfie, Jerome and Mr Sweet or my so called dad, though no one must know. Eddie would flip if he knew I was with our dad mind you it's not like many words are being exchanged.

Mr Sweet"Ready, Lewis, Clarke, Miller?"

Alfie and Jerome" We were born ready sir?"

Charlie" Me too sir"

While Alfie and Mr Sweet are trying to usher the goose back in the cage, if you could call that the right word. I stand by the door and Jerome drops to the floor trying to find the gem. I decide to help him look for it, we are both on our hands and knees searching everywhere.

Jerome" Can you see it Miller?"

Charlie*shakes her head* No I can't where is it ?"

Jerome" It was here, where could it possibly of gone"

Charlie" Well I can think of one reason"

Jerome" What's that?"

Charlie" Well, what was in here the whole time with it"

Jerome" The goose, you really think goose has eaten it"

Charlie" Can you think of any other reason"

Jerome gets up from the floor and then helps me up. Alfie and Mr Sweet had managed to get the goose back in the cage.

Mr Sweet" Well that wasn't too hard was it, great team work Alfie, now to tidy up this office"

Jerome" And we will leave you to that sir"

Mr Sweet"Oh, you will, will you? I think you'll find that you three will be on clearing up duty after you've returned our little visitor."

We make our way back to Anubis house later and all three of us watch the goose sat on the bed, well on newspaper in case of any accidents.

Alfie" Are you sure?"

Jerome" It has to be"

Charlie" Can you think of any other explanation?"

Alfie" Maybe Sweetie found it"

Charlie" He wasn't in there with the goose and you two were too busy with goose so he couldn't have"

Jerome" Look we have to face facts, your goose has eaten my dad's gem"

Alfie" So what do we do now?"

Jerome" We wait"

Alfie" Wait for what?"

Me and Jerome exchange glances.

Alfie" Ohhh, eww no"

Nina's POV

We are all three standing in mine and Amber's room we had decided to recreate the latest task in our room, we just hope Victor or Vera doesn't walk in. The door then opens and me and Amber both jump and then realise it's just Fabian, Alfie and Patricia thank god. We both smile as they admire all the strings all over the room.

Patricia" Okay, one word, wow"

Fabian" How did you do this?"

Amber" We did a smash and grab in the art room"

Nina" Okay guys, practise time, so we need to get from here to the vanity desk without out touching any of the threads"

Alfie" Okay, so the silver threads give us stings"

Patricia" And what about the red and yellow ones"

Nina" We don't know but it can't be good"

Patricia had missed out on the latest task last night as she was off doing chores with Eddie, so we had to fill her in.

Patricia"I don't get it. How are we supposed to get over there without touching anything?"

Amber"Allow me"

Patricia"Amber, are those the right kind of shoes for web walking?"

Amber"These are my web wedges, Patricia, You're talking to a girl who can deadly hopscotch in formal wear. Watch and learn."

At first all goes well but then Amber being Amber gets stuck as she tries to manoeuvre through all the threads. She then gets stuck on, the bells start ringing on the silver strings, she then announces she is stuck.

Nina"Just stop moving around so much, Don't move, don't move."

Patricia"How are those web wedges working out, Amber?"

Fabian" This isn't going great"

Alfie" We definitely need more practise"

Patricia" And a dress code of no heels and clothes that can't snag on things"

Amber" Ooo, task outfits, I feel like spider food"

I make the choice to help Amber out if the strings, I try to grab her though it's hard as she pretty stuck.

Nina" Okay, i got you, hold on"

Story Notes

So Jerome,Alfie and Charlie finally catch the goose and figure out that it has possibly eaten the gem, so they now have to wait for it to do its business. The Sibuna gang prepare for this new task and get some practise in.

Authors Notes

Sorry this is not as long as yesterdays one. I was the way the episode went and Eddie has detention so Charlie was off with Jerome and Alfie. I hope you loved it!

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