House of Stakes

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House of Stakes

Alfie's POV

Great, now Amber and Patricia have disappeared down the hole as well, now it's just me, Fabian and Joy. Great I'm stuck with the awkward lovebirds.

Fabian "No!"

Still trapped on a safe space I look at Joy who doesn't look very happy with Fabian's decision. He was the one who let her in on this secret, so why isn't he following her ideas.

Joy"What's the point of asking for my help, if you're not gonna listen to me?"

Fabian"Oh, look, I got it wrong, okay?"

Joy"Wrong?, Fabian, this isn't chess. If we make a mistake, someone falls through the floor."

Fabian"Don't you think I know that? I feel bad enough as it is!"

Joy"So you should. None of them have signed up for this,"

Fabian"Now, anyway, who knows what would've happened if we'd done your move?"

Alfie"Both of you, shut up, we have just lost Amber and Patricia, we need to focus on getting them back instead of arguing"

Joy" Alfie is right though I would have had three players playing this game instead of two!"

Fabian"You always have to be right and rub everyone else's faces in it, don't you? And you know why? It's 'cause you're a bully and a control freak."

Joy"Yeah? Well, you're a geek and a coward."

Fabian"You're a witch."


Alfie" Stop it you, lets just all take a breath and focus on this"

"So, what do we do now?"

Joy and Fabian exchange glances now sighing.

Alfie"We keep playing the game,"

Fabian"I don't really think we have much of a choice, do we? Joy... I'm sorry."

There is a pause.

Joy"Okay, let's do this."

So after Fabian and Joy's spat we continued with the game since we had no choice we had to get our friends back. So we continued, Joy separating the moves between us. We were doing really well and were nearly there, so close to the mask of Anubis.

Fabian"Okay, we're getting there,"

I nod in confirmation to Fabian as we knew one wrong move could have us in the cellar.

Joy"Easy, Indiana, Your next moves will have you both land on one of those danger squares by Victor."

Alfie"I thought you had it figured out."

Joy"It was a hunch, that's all. His movements could be completely random, impossible to predict."

Alfie"Joy, you can do this. Fabian?"

Fabian" You've got this Joy, I know you have"

Joy shakes her head. I can see the tears in her eyes from where I am. "

Joy"What if I'm wrong?"

Fabian"Hey, you've gotten us all this way, You're good at this, Now, okay, tell me the moves you had planned. I won't do them, I promise. I just want to know what they were."

Joy"Two forward, then one right, then two forward."

Fabian glances at me. Then he takes two steps forward and one right. Joy and I both start shouting at him, but that's only three moves made. He looks at me encouragingly, nodding at me, and so cautiously I take two steps forward onto a jackal square as Joy shouts my name. That's our five moves made and the guards swirl. The Victor guard doesn't turn toward Fabian, nor does it turn toward me, which means we're both able to step off the board. He does so with a cheer. The guards turn again though, facing the direction of Joy. Then, one by one, they each sink into the ground, disappearing. As does the throne Joy was just sitting on.

Alfie" We won!

Joy"You won!"

When the guards descend into the floor, Joy runs over to us and hugs Fabian but the slaps him.

Joy "You promised me you wouldn't move!"

Fabian"One of us had to trust you and it wasn't gonna be you."

Alfie" Guys look"

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