House of Evidence

171 9 4

Kind of a short one. Sorry. X

Fabian's POV

Amber"Ew, creepy."

I look at what Amber is looking at and what Nina had been trapped with. It was a painting of a lion and it had really creepy eyes. I definitely would of freaked out

Nina "Way creepier when you can only see its eyes..." "And you think it's alive. Trust me."

Alfie" You seriously need to man up, Nina,"

Patricia"Alfie, behind you!"

I then laugh as Alfie jumps at the none existent threat"

Fabian" Now who needs to man up"

We enter the next room and there are shelves filled with what looked like Antique bottles filled with liquids. They all had no labels so that was helpful, if we didn't know what was in them this could get dangerous, then again what we have been doing so far.

Nina picks up one of the bottles and smells it.

Nina" I know that smell I just can't quite put my finger on it, smells like Christmas"

I look at Nina.

Fabian" Christmas?"

Alfie "I was just on high-alert, which we should all be on, by the way."

Patricia"Uh, sure, whatever, Alfie," "Fabian "Okay, this freaky lion head thing?"

Fabian" You mean Sekhmet, the goddess of medicine,"

Nina"Look, there's openings in these," "and there's this channel," there's a water-channel type thing in the ground which she's following, "and it leads to the door...ooh, with some kind of goo on it. Must hold it in place."

Fabian"So we've got a big bunch of chemicals, six snakey tubes that go down to this mixing jar that leads straight on to a door with a weird goo around it."

Alfie" Okay, then, everybody grab a chemical, and then let's get—"

Fabian "It's a bit late for science experiments, Alfie," "Come on, let's go

Charlie's POV

Me and Eddie were walking to our lockers the next day and Patricia is stood smirking, like she was waiting for us. I approach my locker which is opposite his and then stop before I open it, I see that my twin has done the same.

Eddie" So what is going happen?"

Charlie" Is water going to spray in our faces?"

Eddie" Or, have you put some of that green algae in our lockers?"

Both twins open their lockers and nothing happens it's just the same as usual.

Patricia" I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't play pranks on the teachers pets"

Eddie" Excuse me"

I move to lean on the locker next to Eddie's, he shuts his locker.

Eddie" Us and Sweetie are not friends, we are the farthest thing from it"

Patricia" Awww, you and your sister actually believe that don't you"

Charlie" Yeah"

Patricia" That is adorable"

Charlie" You will see how bad me and my brother can be"

Eddie" When we prove you wrong"

Patricia makes a look at both of us before leaving.

Fabian's POV

We are all sitting in the lounge room about to go over the riddles that both me and Nina found snapped photos of. Alfie is not sitting with us as he is supposedly helping Jerome prepare for some ping pong tournament.

Fabian" "Okay, these are the riddles Nina found,"

Nina"We think they're clues to the different chemicals we need to use, There are six funnels down the lion's mane, six of those, so one per snake."

Fabian"The first one, 'the taste of the great bitter lake,' that's a real lake in Egypt. The water's salty, so that makes it bitter, So the bitter taste is salt."

Patricia "Uh-uh-uh, sodium chloride. Sweetie made me copy out the periodic table one hundred times after that algae incident."

Nina"All right, salt/sodium chloride, So we've got one. That leaves five."

Alfie then suggests that perhaps we bring some of the chemicals up from the tunnels and study them in the chemistry lab. I look round at Alfie and pull a face.

Fabian"You came up with that while bouncing the ball really badly?"

Alfie" I know"

Charlie's POV

Me and my brother were sitting in the lounge room killing time till our next lesson. I lean over as we were just listening to music again, one of our favourite bands had just come out with a new album and we were just enjoying that.

Eddie" We need to come up with some more pranks"

Charlie" What to show Patricia that we are not besties with Sweetie"

Eddie" Yeah, I just don't know what, have you got any ideas?"

Charlie*thinks* Not at this moment, it needs to be something big"

Eddie" Something really big, that gets sweetie so mad"

Charlie" What can we do?"

The bell rings and we both sigh.

Eddie" We definitely need to brain storm this some more"

Charlie" How about some twin time tonight, your room?"

Eddie" I like that idea"

Story Notes: So the sibuna gang have opened the door to the next task and they are some chemicals. The twins are planning something very BIG to prove Patricia wrong and Jerome and Alfie get ready for the ping pong tournament.

Authors Notes
Let me know you think. I love comments and it's much appreciated. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thank you X

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