House of Help

241 11 5

Nina's POV

I woke up that morning really hoping the dream really was a dream but it wasn't when Amber screamed I just knew it. Amber is sat on her bed admiring her new tattoo.

Amber "I don't know who I'm more scared of, the spirit or my dad"

I sigh, I felt like this was going to happen. I reach over to get some socks from my drawer.

Nina "Here. These'll cover it."

Amber"Okay, so I just have to wear long socks for the rest of Daddy's life. I'll look great around the pool."

Nina" I'm sorry Amber, I never wanted this for you, I just feel so powerless against this thing"

Amber"Hey, I was with you anyway. Now I'm just really with you."

I watch as the door bursts open and Patricia bursts in. She shows us her wrist where the tattoo now sits.

Patricia "What do you call this?"

Amber*shows hers* "Membership?"

Patricia"You too? Who else?"

Then just at that moment Alfie runs in screaming and freaking out.

Alfie"I'm freaking out! I just acquired a tat overnight,."I'm too young, it's illegal, and if I had the choice, I would have gone for some sort of fire-breathing dragon."

Amber "Not my name?"

Alfie*waves his hands* "We broke up!"

Patricia"Does this mean we're cursed? Are our lives at risk, too?"

Fabian then comes in.

Fabian" So yeah, you have met the spirit"

Patricia "Met? Stamped."

Fabian "Wait, they've all got them?"

Alfie" What about you?"

Nina"Fabian already had one after me"

Patricia"What? And you didn't think it was important to tell us it was kind of contagious?"

Nina" Well we thought that"

Fabian "But when Amber never got one, we thought it was just us, so—well, we decided—"

Patricia "Oh, you decided, from now on, we make all decisions together. Okay?"

She then storms out.


Charlie's POV

Eddie is sitting on the table (again) and is eating a bagel that is still left from breakfast. I slip onto the other seat by him.

Charlie" Hey"

Eddie" Hey sis, so Mrs Andrews is going to announce who has the editorship today"

Charlie" Oh yeah, I probably won't get it"

Eddie" You will get it, I just know you will"

Charlie" If you say so Eddie"

Mrs Andrews then comes in and dumps her bag on the desk. She stands there to address the class.

Mrs Andrews" Okay Joy as much as I enjoyed the piece on the Genius of Mrs Andrews, it came down to a tie between Mara and Charlie, who I just couldn't decide but I decided to give the editorship to Mara"

Mara" Oh, thank you so much, I promise I will be a good boss on creativity but I will push for punctuality, we are going to have deadlines and the first one is tomorrow"

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