House of Names

188 9 2

Charlie's POV

After an eventful breakfast, I was sat in the science lab sharing a table with my twin brother and Jerome. At breakfast Patricia and Eddie had argument about who is the better prankster and of course I backed my twin which then got me involved. I was flicking a pencil in my hand not really paying attention to what I was doing. We were supposed to be copying from a textbook but I had given up. Eddie was also doing the same.

Eddie" I can't be asked with this, what about you sis?"

Charlie" I gave up ages ago, now I'm just doodling"

Eddie" Oooo, can I have a go?"

Charlie" Eddie you have your own paper"

Eddie" I know but I ran out of space"

I smile and laugh a bit, I push the paper over and he starts doodling.

Jerome" You two are so cute"

Eddie" Shut it Clarke"

We both look around the classroom to see what everyone else is up to and half if not all the class looks bored, Nina, Amber and Fabian are busy chatting about something Alfie is busy on his phone probably texting Amber. We then both look at Patricia who is sharing a table with Joy and Mara, unlike most of the class Mara is copying things down like crazy.

Patricia then decides to bang two skeleton feet on the table.

Mr Sweet" No thank you Patricia"

Eddie" Is that the best you got, in your girl bag of tricks"

Charlie" I mean total epic fail"

Patricia" There is only two epic fails and I am looking at them"

Eddie" Check this out"

We both get up off our stools and I go stand near Mr Sweet's desk and he looks at me.

Mr Sweet" Is there something I can help you with Charlie?"

Eddie pulls a face at me though I can often read his thoughts. I try to think of something.

Charlie" Um, Jerome lost his text book so I let him borrow mine, can I have another one and some paper and also a pencil"

Mr Sweet*sighs* You know you need to be more prepared"

Charlie" I know"

Mr Sweet" Hang on I'll get you some"

Then while Mr Sweet's back is turned Eddie chucks me the eye which I drop in Mr Sweet's tea.

Patricia "I can totally top that,"


She then proceeds to pick up a pot of some grey powder and tip it all over the floor.

Joy" Oh Patricia, no"

Patricia" Oops"

Mr Sweet then turns around and sees the mess.

Mr Sweet "A little more care, girls,"

Patricia then approaches the fish bowl and pulls out some slimy green stuff and puts it in-between his biscuit. When he returns to his desk he picks up his biscuit and then drops it in disgust. Everyone starts laughing.

Mr Sweet" Patricia, was that you?"

Patricia" Guilty"

Mr Sweet" Well, you're in real trouble. You see me after class"

Patricia"Yes sir"

Me and Eddie then watch as he picks up the cup of tea and drops it as he has obviously seen the eyeball. He screams and the cup and saucer smash and tea splatters everywhere.

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