House of Stings

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Fabian's POV

Fabian" Where is Nina?"

Then Nina then comes running in.

Nina" I am here, I couldn't get Gran off the phone she is going on a ghost walk, so has Victor gone to the meeting"

Fabian" Yeah we saw him leave half an hour ago"

Nina" Okay, let's do this, Sibuna"

We all chorus Sibuna, with a hand pressed over our eye.

We make our way down to the tunnels through the oven passage way, thank god for this, with Victor locking the cellar out night, we would have never got anywhere. Amber and Alfie go first to have their amulets scanned and then it was mine, Nina and Patricia's turn. Me and Nina get through successfully and then it starts scanning Patricia but the beam doesn't scan the amulet and instead the light heads upwards and Patricia screams.

Patricia" Hang on guys!"

Nina" What happened, why didn't the amulet protect her?"

Patricia" Guys, I can't see, I can't see!"

Patricias then starts panicking and grabs Nina and I don't blame her, I would definitely panic if I was suddenly blind.

Nina" It's okay Patricia I have got you"

Fabian" What happened, she is wearing her amulet why didn't it protect her"

Patricia" Guys, I can't see, I can't see!"

Amber" It's horrible isn't it, totally blind, bat blind, three blind mice blind"

I look across at my fellow sibuna members now sporting a very worried look.

Fabian" Do you think they have a time limit on them, maybe that is why the spirit keeps saying watch the timepiece"

Alfie" But ours worked fine, didn't they, aren't they all the same?"

Patricia" Well, you see guys, I have something to tell you"

Fabian" What is it?"

Oh no what had she done, she couldn't possibly have done anything wrong.

Patricia" Well you see mine is the spare I may have borrowed it from the dollhouse"

Nina" Why, where is your amulet?"

Patricia" Okay, don't kill me but I lost my amulet okay I'm sorry"

Nina then glances at us all. I could tell she was worried and I think we were all thinking of the same thing. Victor.

Nina" What if Victor gets his hands on it?"

Patricia" I know. I know. I'm so sorry."

Alfie "Where did you lose it?"

Patricia "I don't know,"

Nina"It's okay, Let's just get you upstairs."

Patricia" No I'll be okay, you guys go"

Nina" Patricia I am not leaving you"

Patricia "I promise I'll be fine."

  Nina "Only if you're sure."

Patricia "I'm sure. Go. Seriously."

So we reluctantly left Patricia in the study to put our practise to the test. We just needed not to touch any of the strings.

Nina" Okay, so we can do this just remember nice and slow"

I took a slow intake of breath and prepared myself for this, I mean this may look like fun and game but if we did touch the threads we were almost guaranteed a sting and probably worse. I have to admit the bells were a nice touch since it helped us remember the patterns.

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