House of Stooges

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Nina's POV

I look at the closed dollhouse the next morning.

Nina"Hey. It's worth a try, right?"

Amber nods in agreement as we both walk up to the dollhouse.

Nina"We're desperate here, Sarah. You got to have another clue for me."

The house then lights up and I smile.

Amber' It worked"

I open the dollhouse, finding that the dolls are now on the second floor—in the room we're in right now.

Nina"They're in Sarah's room. That's our room. That must mean there's a reflector in here."

Amber"You have all of Sarah's stuff, Nina"

I then have a lightbulb moment.

Nina "The music box."

Amber "Music box?"

I then run over to one of my baskets from the shelves near my bed. Amber then sits on the bed beside me as I recites the first part of the riddle.

Nina"On little stars that borrow light.' Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is Sarah's favourite nursery rhyme."

I open the music box, and lo and behold, on the mirror inside of it is a symbol of a falcon, which is strangely familiar.

Nina"There it is! Amber, we have our first reflector."

Charlie's POV

I knew I shouldn't be wondering the corridors at this late hour but I wanted to get into the computer room, it had been all busy all week and all the slots had been booked up, I had managed to swipe the key off Jerome, he had managed to get it off Miss Valentine without arousing suspicion, he flirted with her, well it was very awkward flirting.

After I finish up in the computer room I bumped into Jerome, it didn't look like he was meant to be out after hours either. He looked surprised to see me even though he had helped me swipe the key this morning.

Jerome" What are you doing out after hours Miller?"

Charlie" I told you, computer room, you helped me steal the key"

Jerome" Oh yeah, sorry, I have many pranks on the go"


We then hear someone in the lounge room and we peek around the curtain to see Jasper and he is on the phone talking about the gem. I lean on Jerome my breath in his ear.

Charlie" What is he doing?"

Jerome" I don't know but he seems very interested in the gem we just won"

Jerome and I move out from behind the curtains and I step forward.

Charlie" Interested in something Jasper?"

Jasper then jumps and turns around as he didn't realise we were there.

Jasper" Ahh, Jerome, Charlie should you be wondering the corridors late at night"

Jerome" Why don't you tell us Jasper, one skulker to another, you seem to be very interested in the Frobisher gem"

Jasper" What would give you that idea?"

Charlie" Perhaps it would be the words Frobisher and Gem that threw us off right Jerome?"

Jerome folds his arms over his chest.

Jerome" Oh yeah, that was probably it, who was you talking to?"

Jasper" Okay, you got me I was talking to a friend from abroad and he wanted to know about the win you two pulled off and I told him about the gem"

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