House of Warnings

199 9 11

Charlie's POV

I hadn't had the chance to chat to Eddie last night, the party went onto till ten well we all had to go to bed at ten. We were all pretty tired from all the excitement. So now here I was sitting with my brother on his bed chatting about the meeting I had, had with our dad.

Eddie" So he actually said date?"

Charlie" Yeah, I don't think he meant that though, so what do you think?"

Eddie" We did say we would get to know him didn't we"

Charlie" We did and I want to get to know him, I mean I had Jason but he is not my biological dad is he"

Eddie" Well, I have never had a dad at all, so it would be nice"

Charlie" So we agreed then"

Eddie" Yeah agreed"

We wrap our index fingers together and shake.

I catch up with Jerome later in the lounge and he smiles as he slips down on the sofa next to me.

Jerome"So, partner, you and me are now like the new, uh, power couple of the school, it seems."

Charlie" Technically we are together, we are just not exclusive yet"

Jerome" That is true"

Jerome slips his hand in mine which immediately catches my brother's eye, he looks at us both weird. I quickly pull my hand away and before Jerome can say anything my dad has entered.

Mr Sweet "Attention, everyone, please, "I'd like to introduce you to Ms. Valentine. She'll be taking over from Mrs. Andrews."

I watch all the boys check her out, including my brother and Jerome, I give my brother a look and nudge Jerome in the ribs when he makes a comment.

Jerome"Wow, "it's like Megan Fox taking over from Marge Simpson."

Mr Sweet"So, I'll leave you, in her capable hands."

Miss Valentine"Thank you, Mr. Sweet, "Hi. Well, I feel like I know most of you already, thanks to Mick."


Miss Valentine"I taught Mick there. He told me so much about this place. When they advertised for a job, I had to apply. How about we start with a little icebreaker?"

We end up having throw the ball to each person saying their name as we go and then the ball gets to Fabian and he chucks it to Joy but calls her Pam. I have no idea what that is about but I know Joy really likes Fabian and he really likes Nina. Jerome and my brother chuckle a bit as Joy runs out clearly upset.

Nina's POV

I had decided to go see my Gran and bring Amber along as well. After our taxi ride we paid the driver and then headed into the hospital. The fact that she is in the hospital is very convenient for us as students, not to say I wouldn't visit her otherwise, I mean she is my Gran. We both enter her room, filled with excitement me more than Amber I'm sure.

Nina" GRAN!"

Gran" Hello dear, it's nice to see you and Amber too, hello, how are we doing?"

Amber"I think I'm growing a bunion,"

Gran "I'm not surprised with those heels, You need a comfy pair of flats, like mine."

Amber then picks up my gran's flats .

Amber"Wow, these puppies are fierce."

Nina "So did you get the test results back yet?"

Gran "Inconclusive," They want to keep me in for observation."

I then look at Amber who has picked up my Gran's cardigan off the back by the bed. Gran is looking at her smiling.

Amber"Is this designer?" "

Nina"I think, it's very practical, Amber."

Amber"Sometimes practical's good...Did I really just say that?"

Gran"It's no fun, growing old, tell you what I'm feeling thirsty Amber would you be a darling and get me something"

Amber" Of course I can"

Gran" Here is some change"

Amber takes the change and leaves the room.

Nina" Is there something you wanted to talk about with me Gran?"

Gran" How can I put this, you know when your parents died, I said I would take you in and you have turned into a lovely young lady"

Nina" Thanks Gran but what are you trying to say"

Gran" I'm saying that when I took you in, I only took you"

Nina" Okay, so let me see if I got this right, are you saying I have a sibling"

Gran" Yes, a twin brother to be exact he was raised in this country with a friend of your parents"

Nina" Why were we separated?"

Gran" Nina, I know most people think their children or grandchildren are special but I know you are, you have a gift Nina and some day you will need to know everything about your parents and why they died"

Amber then walks back in with a bottle of water.

Amber" Hey, couldn't find a vending machine, so I went to the cafe, here is your change back and your water"

Gran" Oh thank you dear, look now is not that time Nina"

Nina" But Gran"

Gran" No, next time come alone if you can"

Amber" Nina we better get back or we will be late"

Nina" Okay, I'll just say goodbye to Gran I'll meet you outside okay"

Amber" Sure"

Amber leaves after putting Gran's flats and cardigan back and slipping her own heels on.

Nina" Gran, this brother, do I really have one?"

Gran*nods* Yes you do, he will enter your life when he is ready, I'm not sure when though"

Nina" I better go, take are Gran"

Gran" I love you Nina, bye"

Nina's POV

Ever since the visit with Gran my mind has been elsewhere, I try not to let the others know as they will only start asking and Gran said I shouldn't tell them. Just the thought of a brother, a twin brother to be exact, she thought about Eddie and Charlie, they wouldn't be the only twins in the school.

Nina"Okay, let's get this task down."

Amber"Yeah, because let's face it, none of us are getting any younger."

Fabian"Well, except Albie."


Amber"I think he means Alfie,"

Nina"Let's just go before this gets any worse."

We head down to the tunnels. We are now on a task with these horns. We have realised that they probably need a certain tune to play. Then before we can do anything Alfie then blows on one of the horns and the whole ceiling starts cracking.

Nina" We need to get out of here, now come on"

Story Notes:
So there is no more Mrs Andrews, The Twins decide they will meet to see their dad and Nina finds out she has a brother.

Authors Notes
Apologies for this chapter not having much twin ness. But a new of mine has come into play and I can't wait to write it.

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