House of Curfews

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House of Curfews

  Nina's POV

Nina"If we don't get the amulets back from Victor, there's no way we'll ever get back in the tunnel, we can kiss the Mask goodbye."

Victor"Whoever you are, wherever you are, know this. It's nearly..."

Fabian" Victor, I guess we should go to bed"

Patricia and Alfie were about to leave when I spoke up.

Nina "No, no, wait. We can do this. We can do this. We can get them back."

Patricia" How, we blew our one chance of grabbing them when he took, them off"

Fabian" So we take them while he's got them on. Say he was super tired. Like, the most tired a human being has been, ever."

Alfie "Doesn't that kind of rely on him being human?"

Nina  "Yeah, okay. So we keep him up all night. And then when he does fall asleep..."

Fabian "Nothing will wake him,"

Amber" And then we make our move."

Alfie" This is going to be fun"

Amber's POV

I made my way downstairs quietly to go outside, the first of our plan was for me to run outside and set off the light, so Victor would go running. I managed to set off the light and it immediately alerted Victor and Vera to its presence. I quickly made my way upstairs.

Nina" Is he out there?"

Amber*nods* Point one to Sibuna"

Alfie's POV

I watched Jerome hurrying about as he looked like he was planning on going somewhere.

Alfie"Planning on robbing a bank, Clarke?"

Jerome" In a way, want to come with me Alfie?"

Alfie" I don't know I've kinda got a lot on, what is it you are going to do?"

Jerome" Well I'm going to break into Frobisher Library and look for some long-lost gem in an ancient suit of armour."

Alfie" Oh dude that sounds amazing, wait what about the alarm?"

Jerome*produces a key* I swiped it off Jasper's desk this morning"

Alfie" Are you sure this is okay Jerome?"

Jerome" It's okay as long as we don't touch any of the exhibits we should be fine" 

Alfie" But if we do, Victor could come running right?"

Jerome" Potentially yes..."

Alfie" I'll do it"

Jerome" Thanks mate"

Patricia's POV

I stood in the doorway to the girls hallway with Mara next to me.

Mara" Remind me why we have to get even with Eddie and his sister"

Patricia" Because you should always be one step ahead of your enemies, do something they least expect, operation nemesis is go"

The living room then fills with extremely loud music which makes Victor hurry down the stairs at quick pace yelling.

Victor" Yes alright, very funny, come on out show yourselves"

As Victor frantically searches for the radio Nina and Fabian are hidden in a cupboard laughing while Fabian holds the remote.

Jerome's POV

I stand in the library with Alfie starting to wonder why I bought him along as he is now pretending he is a ninja.

Alfie" This is so cool, it's like being a ninja, NINJA IN THE LIBRARY!"

Jerome" Alfie, we are supposed to be being quiet"

Alfie" Sorry, I'm returning these books late, Oh, that's okay. Now feel my steel!'"

Jerome Alfie!"Concentrate"

Alfie" I can't see a suit of armour anywhere. How about you?"

I hold my torch and start scanning it all around the room, seeing absolutely nothing.

Alfie" Are you sure Fabian said it was on the ground floor?

Jerome" Since when does Fabian get things wrong?"

I then watch as Alfie is about to swing his torch into one of the cases.

Jerome" Alfie, those cases are alarmed, well there is no suit of Armour here"

Alfie" Maybe someone borrowed it"

Jerome" Why would anyone borrow a suit of armour?"

Alfie" For costume party, maybe...a war, maybe I could wear, now that would be cool."

Alfie"How big is it?"

Jerome"Man-sized, Alfie"

Alfie "Okay. So it would be pretty easy to see, right?"

Jerome  "You'd think."

Jerome "Let's just get out of here."

Jerome heads for the door and Alfie looks at the exhibits before shaking them very, very hard. It sets the alarm off, obviously alerting Victor back at the house.

Alfie" Point two Sibuna"

Patrica" Eddie, wake up, come Eddie up, you get"

Eddie then opens the door to his room and a bucket falls on his head and he start flailing about"

Eddie" I can't see, what is going on?"

Victor then clocks where all the noise and commotion is coming from.

Victor" What is the meaning of this?"

Eddie is standing so confused as to what happened

Patricia" Just having a midnight snack"

Victor then approaches the both of them and points at the both.

Victor" Detention tomorrow, now BED BOTH OF YOU"

Eddie looks at Patricia.

Eddie" What just happened?"

Patricia" To sum, you and me are in detention"

Victor" BED!"

Eddie who is still half asleep stands there confused.

Eddie" Well night then"

Patricia" Point three to Sibuna"

Eddie's POV

When Eddie has shut the door, he sits back down on his bed, wondering what the heck just happened. He then looks at his sleeping sister. Every time she had nightmares or anxiety attacks she would come downstairs to see him. She told him that she used to do it with Jason when she was younger but then when she got older it just felt weird has he was not her real father. He asked her about doing it with him and she said it would be nice, since they were siblings that they were twins so they had a closer bond that anyone. He looked at Fabian's empty bed, he knew he was upstairs with the girlies which was good as he didn't know that Charlie was in here with him. He especially didn't want Victor knowing. He sighed as he snuggled down again into bed.

Story Notes

So Sibuna put their plans into action, let's hope they can get those amulets back. And what about the twins aren't they cutest.

Authors Notes

Apologies that there wasn't much of the twins in this one, it was all set over a night, so I didn't really know what to do. I settled on a short cute bit at the end.




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