House of Illusions

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Fabian's POV

Patricia had literally just jumped on Eddie after he nearly had his head cut off.

Patricia  "Eddie!"

Eddie "Hey!"

At least he still has his head, we just couldn't injure or curse another person.

Patricia"You were about to lose your head, I—I mean bang your head. Low ceilings."

The red eyes on the statues disappear.

Eddie"Thanks, I guess? Well, this is cozy,"

He then reaches for his blindfold but Patricia grabs his hand and stops him.

Patricia" No, you can't take that off yet. I'm not ready. I'm...flossing. Anyway, there's somewhere else I need to take you, so let's go. Watch out, low ceilings."

Eddie"Right, right, right, You're acting weirder than normal. You know that, right?"

When Eddie and Patricia have left we proceed to the next chamber and hopefully last chamber.

Alfie "Whoa,"

Because there are four more statues inside. And a throne or something facing the statues.

Fabian"So this is the chamber of the Mask?" Fabian asks. "And the Mask is..."

Nina"Not here," there's no mask, It's not here."


Alfie"Well, maybe there's another door,"

Alfie then goes to step forward and we pull him back.

Nina"No, wait, We don't want to rush in. It might be a trap."

I suddenly have a realisation.

Fabian"Wait,I think this is a game. I've seen this board before. We need to look it up. Let's go."

Charlie's POV

I approach Jerome who is standing by his locker shoving things in it.

Charlie" Hey, Have you heard from your dad since our visit?"

Jerome" Yeah, he said he would love to see me more despite the gem fiasco"

Charlie" See I told you care about you more than the gem"

Jerome" I guess you were right"

Charlie" Of course I am"

Jerome" So what did you think about the article Joy wrote, I thought it was really good"

Charlie" Are you talking about the father and his kids article"

Jerome" Yeah, I know it was about you and your brother"

Charlie" Well of course who else would it be about but she didn't write it"

Jerome" What I thought she was Jack Jackal"

Charlie" It's a long story"

Jerome" Well, wait a minute.If you're Jack, then Nina-gate, that was you?"

Charlie"No, that was Joy.I told you it was a long story"

Jerome" I'm listening"

After explaining everything to Jerome, we went to find my twin, who was sitting in the English classroom with Patricia, probably talking about their date last night, Eddie had told me all about it, sounded quite weird if you ask me.

Jerome" Eddie, can we have a word, please? In private"

Patricia" Rude"

Jerome" Sorry, Patricia.Boy talk.Cars, football"

Patricia" What about her?"

Charlie" I can be very tomboyish"

Patricia" Well, you both can't drive. And Eddie thinks you play football in tights and a helmet. So enjoy"

She leaves us in peace and me and Jerome explain everything. After we have explained everything to Eddie we head to our dad's office. We enter and he jumps.

Dad"I don't remember saying "enter"

Charlie" Do you want us to go back out?"

Dad" No.No.Come, Well, what can I do for you?"

Eddie" You remember the latest jackal article. You said you liked? The one about fathers and their kids?"

Dad" Ah, yes, written by the elusive Jack jackal.Mm."

We all look at him, biting our lips.

Dad" Oh, dear. You three have written it, haven't you?"

Jerome" No we didn't but we know who did"

Eddie" Charlie wrote it"

Dad" Oh well, I have one talented daughter, I must say I loved it, well done"

Charlie" Thanks Dad but I wasn't the only one who wrote it, I had help"

Jerome" Thing is, this person has been writing under a pseudonym, Because they didn't want to get in trouble"

Eddie" But we'd like it if you gave her another chance"

Our dad then realises and we both shove Eddie in the ribs.

Dad" Her.Um, Mara Jaffray"

After speaking to our dad, Jerome follows us both to the English classroom. We stop in front of Joy's desk.

Jerome" You know, I thought I was sneaky, but you are something else."


Eddie "Listen up, everyone, We have an announcement to make."

Charlie"We thought you should all know, aasthat there are two Jack Jackals. The real one who writes a sharp, insightful blog about stuff that matters..."

Eddie "And the one who criticises her classmates and takes credit for a blog she didn't write. Do you want to tell them the truth, Joy, or shall I?"

Jerome"What did you do? Blackmail Mara into keeping quiet?"

Nicholas" Wait, so Mara's the other Jack Jackal?"

Joy immediately turns back to look at Mara.

Mara "I never blackmailed you."

Mara looks at us and Jerome.

Mara "No, it's true. She didn't."

Joy"I was trying to help you"

Charlie"Oh, my dad has lifted the ban on you, Mara. You are now free to write under your own name."

I gesture to me, my brother and Jerome.

Charlie "All part of the service."

Alfie's POV

We are all standing in the tunnels trying to figure out how we could figure out this next task.

Fabian"All right,"

Fabian looks at the photo from the article and back at the supersized board in front of us.

It's basically the same game except without the playing pieces."

Nicholas "And the guards? What are they all about?"

Amber"Anubis has no idea, They didn't have guards like that three thousand years ago, for a board game at least."

Alfie "Let's face it, we have no idea what we're doing."

Nina"If only we had the dollhouse, it could give us a clue."

Alfie"But we haven't. So there's only one thing for her."

I step forward but Nina pulls me back. Though despite that the chamber lights up and then we all stand there amazed.

Alfie"What's happening?"

Story Notes
Eddie has a weird date with Patricia. The Twins and Jerome help Mara get her name back out there after they find out Mara and Charlie wrote the article. Then Sibuna continue with their search for the mask.

Authors Notes
Let me know what you think of this? Hope you liked it!
Thanks X

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