House of Hoods

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Eddie's POV

I walked over to Patricia and looked at her.

Eddie" Underneath every bad boy is a knight in shining armour"


Eddie" Just shows you mustn't judge a book by it's cover"

Patricia" Is this your roundabout way of apologising?"

Eddie" As asking goes, how did I do?"

Patrica" Awful. But Apology Accepted"


After Fabian gives his speech I wander over to Patricia and smirk at her.

Patricia" What do you want, waiting for the right girl to ask you to dance"

Eddie" No, just waiting for the right pig to fly, what's your excuse?"

Patricia" If you knew me like others, you would know that I don't dance, not on any occasion or any special circumstances"

Eddie" No one has asked you have they?"

Patricia" Well they know of they did they would be crushed like a tin can under a tank"

Eddie*smirks* I'll take that as a I'll think about it" 

As I leave Patricia , I then see my sister sitting on her own and make my way over to her.

Eddie" Hey"

Charlie*looks up* Oh hey"

Eddie" You okay where is Jerome?"

Charlie" I don't know, we had one dance and then after the dress drama he has disappeared, I guess it was stupid to think a boy would actually like me"

Eddie*thinks* I am going to kill Jerome

I sit down next to my sister and pull her into a hug.

Eddie" You listen to you me as your brother I will always want to protect you from boys but any boy would be lucky to have you, you are smart, pretty and talented"

Charlie*smiles* Thanks Eddie, you are the best twin brother a girl could have"

Both twins hug it out.

After an hour I still couldn't find Jerome, usually I wouldn't care that much about him but he did promise my sister a dance and I intended to make sure she got one. I then spot Alfie and Jerome by the food table and run over. I grab Jerome by one arm.

Eddie" I want a word with you Jerry"

Jerome" Whoa, whoa, what's the matter?"

Eddie" You owe my sister a dance, you are supposed to be her date, I mean I wasn't happy about it before but now, to stand my sister up for a dance"

Jerome" Hey, hey, alright chill out Miller, I've been busy trying to hide"

Eddie" Why I thought you gave the money back"

Jerome" I know Mrs Andrews is still looking for me"

Eddie" Well she will find out, we do have her for class"

Jerome" Maybe I just won't go to class"

Alfie" For the rest of the term?"

Jerome" Yeah, why not"

Eddie" Look you still owe my sister a dance"

Jerome" Alright I'll do you a deal, you get Patricia to dance with you and I will dance with your sister"

Eddie" Wait so if I don't get her to dance with me, you won't dance with my sister"

Jerome" Well"

Eddie" Tell you what if you don't dance with my sister by the time the night ends you have to sing she is coming round the mountain"

Jerome" And if I do?"

Eddie" I'll give you my money for the entire month"

I approach Patricia who was leaning against the wall. She sees me.

Patricia" No"

Eddie" Come on"

Patricia" No"

I look at her and try to convince her.

Eddie" Look I don't dance either but I'm just one guy asking one girl to dance, hoping she won't crush him like a tin can, come on it will be alternative"

Patricia*sighs* Alright just one dance"

Eddie" So I'm just going to peel you off the wall here"

I slowly pull Patricia over to the dance floor eyeing up Jerome and Alfie's faces who were now in shock.

Patricia" Just one song"

Eddie" One song"

I smirk at Jerome and Alfie.

Fabian's POV

I sighed as I hadn't seen any sign of Nina since she had left to go outside. I had said it was us just being silly and I wished I hadn't. I approached Amber.

Fabian" Amber, have you seen Nina, the last time, I saw her she said she was going outside"

Amber"Why would she be outside?"

Fabian" Well, she said she was going out for a second."

  Amber" And how many seconds ago was that, wait never mind what did you say Fabian, what did you say that made her leave"

Fabian" Nothing"

Nina then comes running across the grass and is yelling at us all.

Nina" Guys, I have figured it out. About the bridge from the tunnel, where is Fabian?"

Amber" He is inside"

Nina runs inside past me and I just hope it doesn't happen the same as the dream.

Authors Notes

So this chapter is a bit short because I cut out some of the sibuna stuff and just focused on the twins and their crushes. I hope you still like it though.


Thanks X

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