House of Silence

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Amber's POV

I keep continuing to shake Nina who finally wakes up after the third time of me shaking her.

Amber"Nina? Nina, wake up!"
Nina"Fabian, what happened?"
Fabian"Oh, we lost at ping-pong, Are you all right? You dropped off or something."
Nina"I don't know. I can't remember, I was talking to you three, and then—oh, why can't I remember?"

Patricia taps Nina's shoulder, still mouthing her worse.

Nina"You still can't speak?"

Charlie's POV

I and standing by Jerome now defeated and Eddie comes over to me.

Eddie" I think you did great sis"

Charlie" Thanks Eddie"

Jerome has sat down in the corner, Alfie is zooming around like a big kid, he then knocks into one of the other teams players and lots of ball fall out of his hat. Alfie picks it up causing the boy to get very annoyed. Alfie chucks the ball and Eddie catches it and feels it.

Eddie" This ball is weighted, see I told you, I knew it"

Charlie" Wait you were cheating"

Alfie"Oh, is it magic?, Cool! Oh, have you got any more tricks?"
Mr Sweet"Please step forward, Giles Winner-Freston—"

Alfie then pulls off Giles's hat and about many different ping pong balls fall out, which obviously means they cheated.

Alfie "That is magic,"
Poppy "He's a cheat!" "The balls were there the whole time."
Giles"I didn't use them. I swear. Why would I need to?"

Charlie" If you didn't need to use them, why were you hiding them under your hat"

Eddie" Yeah"

Jerome "You're lying, you must have used one of these every time you served. You little maggot—"
Mr Sweet" Charlie, Edison, Jerome calm down"

Jerome"He's cheating."
Mr Sweet"Quiet, everyone, please," "Quiet. Mr. Saunders and I, in the light of this dispute, have agreed that both teams will play one final game. With new balls."

I look at Jerome and Eddie and high five them both.

Mr Sweet" Edison will you take your seat please"

Eddie" Yes"

He pats my arm.

Eddie" You got this sis"

Charlie" Thanks Bro"

Eddie sits back down and the match continues, when it comes to the final point I get ready and Jerome hits his first and the other team thinks they have won for some reason. I then hit the ball and the other team fails to hit it back. They get very angry and the guys slams his hat on the floor.

Mr Sweet"It gives me great, great pleasure to present the Frobisher Shield to Jerome Clarke and Charlie Miller"

The whole Anubis side of the hall erupts into applause and Eddie hops down to hug me and Poppy hugs Jerome.

Eddie" Great work sis, I knew you could do it"

Charlie" Thanks bro"

We both hug and he keeps one arm around me while he shakes Jerome's hand.

Eddie" Well done Clarke, great game"

Jerome" Thanks, I couldn't have done it without your sister"

Charlie" So when are you going to be putting the gem back in the shield then?"

Jerome" This afternoon, look thanks for helping me with this, I couldn't have done it without"

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