House of Duplicity

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Charlie's POV

Eddie and I are sitting in the lounge room, we see fellow students but as soon as they see us they scatter. Patricia walks in

Patricia" You've been avoiding me"

Eddie" No"

Patricia" You're not blaming me for this"

Eddie"Of course not"

Charlie"How could you sitting on that tiny button not be an accident?"

Patricia" Of course it was, shut up Charlie"

Eddie" Don't speak to my sister like that"

Patricia" Whatever"

Eddie" Let's just be grateful.It wasn't a nuclear launch button"

Patricia" It was an accident"

Eddie" Right Just like kissing the wrong girl was an accident, right?"

Patricia" What? You think this was payback?"

Charlie" Have you noticed, You're the only person that talks to us? Nobody even wants to know us.

Eddie" Consider me served Yacker"

Patricia" I'm sorry, okay?"

Eddie" Oh, don't be sorry, me and twinnie can get any seat we want now"

Patricia" Look, I had an idea not that you deserve it, Why don't you write an article on Mr.Sweet But make it biting? You know, make it funny. Build him up. We could work on it Tonight"

I look at my brother this was definitely going to take some damage control for this to work out. Him and Patricia always seemed to have problems, I almost felt sorry for my love life going so smoothly. As Patricia is trying to smooth things over with Eddie, Joy comes in and completely interrupts everything.

Joy"Hey, Eddie, how are you and Charlie getting on, with the article for the school? I'm not paying you to sit around and do nothing, you know"

Eddie and I pull the same confused face.

Charlie" You are not paying us at all"

Patricia"So tonight, yeah? Eddie?"

Eddie" Fine me and sis will watch the video footage tonight alone.

We both get up to leave. As soon as we were away from the lounge room and outside Eddie screams. He sits down on the wall with his head in his hands. I set myself down beside him, slipping my satchel off which drops to the floor. I put my arm around my brother and he sighs.

Eddie" Just when I think we are making progress, it all just crumbles around me again"

Charlie" I know, I'm sorry Eddie"

Eddie" I mean it's not just that, now the whole school knows who our dad is"

Charlie" Yeah, that's not brilliant, now we have been labelled with the name The Sweetie Twins, thats not going to stick at all"

Eddie" I hate this"

My brother gets so frustrated his falls off the wall. I look over the top.

Charlie" Eddie, are you okay?"

Eddie" Yeah I'm fine, just fed up"

He shifts himself until he is laying on his back and looks up at the sky. I walk around the wall and lay down next to him. He sighs again.

Eddie" Shall we just stay here for a bit, not go to class, just sit here and relax"

Charlie" I like that idea, to be honest, everything is just too much at the moment, The Gem, who this mysterious person could be and now the whole school knows our secret, what a week"

Eddie" Plus I really don't want to go over all this footage"

Charlie" Well you have got me and we could get like loads of sweets and biscuits or whatever"

Eddie" I like that idea"

Both twin interlock their index fingers and just sit there.

-Dining Room-

Fabian's POV            

Amber" The dollhouse people have moved"

Fabian" They have, where have they moved too?"

Amber" They are in this room now"

Fabian" Maybe they moved when we moved it?"

Amber rolls her eyes.

Amber"All the way down the stairs and through the hallway."

Nina"Do you think it's a reflector clue?"

Fabian"Yeah, let's have a look around.

The girls head over to the cabinet and I look through a desk. Amber then holds up something.

Amber". "Goblet,"

Fabian"Has it got a falcon symbol on it?"

She flips the goblet upside down before informing,

Amber"It says 'Made In China.'"

Fabian"Put it back. It's not what we're looking for."

Amber "There's nothing but old people stuff,"

Nina "Hang on,"

Nina tells us as she reaches into the cabinet she's searching. She pulls out an odd goblet with a silver stem, and the cup part of it starts clear at the rim but turns to a dark red where it meets up with the stem.

Nina" Fabian look"

I look at the cup and we study the symbols looking for the falcon symbol. We then stop it.

Fabian" Perfect"

Charlie's POV

Eddie grabbed his laptop from his desk and laid down on the bed. He had set down all the snacks we managed to raid from the kitchen. I settle down next to him and he inserts one of the discs.

Eddie" Ready?"

Charlie" Ready?"

Eddie presses the button and it plays showing the house, it clearly looks like nothing when both Eddie and I jump, Eddie covering me crisps.

Charlie" Whoa, what was that, Eddie go back"

Eddie" Okay"

We were both shocked and Eddie goes back and we see a figure, a very black figure"

Eddie" What is it?"

Charlie" Is it a ghost?"

Story Notes
So with the whole school knowing who the twins dad is, they have now had enough and see what they think is a ghost on the tapes and Sibuna are on the hunt for more reflectors.

Authors Notes
Hope you enjoyed this! Let me know.
Thanks X

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