House of Sabatoge

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Charlie's POV

Jerome and I are still sat behind the stone fence still shocked after who we just saw. There very much alive is Rufus Zeno otherwise known as Renee Zelderman.

Jerome" It can't be, he was dead"

Charlie" Its Rufus"

Jerome" Wait how do you know him?'

Charlie" He used to come over to see Jason and give him his medicine, I think he mainly came to scare the heck out of me"

We then hear Jasper screaming for us.


We rush to get into the car and Jasper speeds off.

Nina's POV

We were walking into school still discussing the dollhouse and how exactly we would get it back.

Alfie"The worm is in the hole, Eddie's laptop is virused to the max."

Fabian"Excellent work, guys,"

Nina"Now all we have to worry about, is tracking down that dollhouse."

Patricia"Someone must've seen something, I mean, it's a big dollhouse."

Nicholas "Shame the walls don't have eyes."

Of course the camera in the living room.

Nina"Nicholas, that's brilliant,"

Nina and Fabian" Lounge Cam"

Patricia"Maybe we're starting to get somewhere."

Patricia's POV

We enter the Lounge Room and Eddie, Mara, and Joy are in the lounge as we walk in. I did think his sister was also working with him, come to think of it I hadn't seen her with him for a while. Eddie's got the exhibition program while Joy's holding the laptop, which has the zoomed in image of Senkhara the Unfriendly Ghost on it.

Mara"We don't think it's Sarah now, we think it's a spirit brought here with the artefacts in the exhibition."

Joy"You think the lady in the video is the unknown ruler?"

Eddie "It doesn't matter what we think, I mean, imagine how many hits we'll get on this baby. I mean, you wanted eyeballs."

Still watching them, Sibuna sits on the stage, trying not to make it so obvious we're listening by holding books up. Joy looks between Mara and Eddie and asks.

Joy "So, what do we know about her?"

Eddie"Well, nothing. She's the unknown ruler."

Joy"Let me see the picture of her in the cellar again."

Eddie hits one of the keys on the keyboard multiple times and nothing happens, from what I can see the screen has gone red.

Mara "What's the matter?"

Eddie "I don't know, the file looks corrupted. Oh, don't worry."

He then pulls a flash-drive out of his pocket.

Eddie"Brought back up files on the stick."

Fabian pulls an annoyed face and looks like he will tear his book in two. I know he will regret it later so I nudge him in the ribs.

Joy"You know what, let's not wait, you type it up, and we go live tomorrow. I do believe you're getting the hang of this journalism game, Mara."

Patricia"This is a disaster!, We've lost the dollhouse, and now that article is gonna get every amateur ghost-hunter in school down there."

Nicholas"Not to mention, the information it's going to give Victor."

Patricia"This is hopeless! There's nothing we can do."

Nina"There is one thing, Fabian could try and persuade Joy not to. You know, just sweet talk her."

Fabian" Are you serious?"

Nina"I think I am,"

I wasn't but it was the only plan we had. Alfie and Nicholas then slap Fabian's two shoulders.

Alfie "Congratulations, buddy, You're bait!"

Nicholas" Alfie is right"

Nina" And Patricia, you need to apologise to Eddie."


Nina "It's a two-pronged attack. You work on Eddie, and Fabian works on Joy."

Amber "Are you going to ask me to get close to Alfie, because I will, you know, if that's what you want."

Nina"Yes, actually, I need the two of you to watch the lounge cam and find the dollhouse thief."

So Fabian's working on Joy, Patricia's working on Eddie, Alfie and Amber are watching the living room footage for a dollhouse on the loose.

Fabian looks at me again.

Fabian "Are you sure about this?"

Nina"No, but right now, it's the only plan we've got."

Charlie's POV

Jerome,Jasper and I creep along the wall, Jasper in front, then Jerome and then me. We look round as the car pulls up and Rufus gets out to get the dollhouse of the now already opened boot.

Jasper" But who is he? I've never seen him on the antique circuit"

Jerome" You might know him as rene zeldman.

Jasper" Rene zeldman? No"

Jasper then looks like he will launch for Rufus again and Jerome and I hold him back.

Jerome" No, Don't!"

Jasper" Trudy's in there"

Charlie"Just stay there, Jasper, Please, you don't know what this man is capable of"

Jerome He's pure evil"

Patricia's POV

We were all standing in the corridor, I was with Fabian and The Twins.

Patricia"I don't get why I have to say sorry, I didn't do anything. Feels like I'm selling out."

Nina"That's not selling out, That's a relationship. Now, go, make up."

She pushes me forward and I sigh as I make my way downstairs. I sigh as I knock on Eddie's door, this was going to be hard, he lets me in.

Eddie" Oh, if it isn't blabs"

Patricia"Will you stop giving me goofy nicknames?"

Eddie" Stop doing goofy stuff"

Patricia Just shut up for a second. I've come to apo-- I've come to apol-- I mean, I was wr— I just want to say s"

I sigh audibly.

Patricia"No, I can't do it, you're a doofus.

Eddie" Worst apology ever"

Patricia I'm not sorry, because I didn't do anything, I kept your secret, I'd keep any secret of yours.Yeah, I was mad at you, but I'd never do that.And the fact you think I would really makes you a doofus"

Eddie's POV

I sat back down on my bed with my laptop. I hadn't seen or heard from my sister, I mean felt like she was okay for now but the fact that she could be in danger scared me. I had tried calling her twice and messages her once, nothing. I just hoped she would be there in the morning.

Story Notes
So Sibuna now have to keep tabs on Eddie and Mara as they are still adamant about posting the article. Fabian has to make up with Joy and Patricia to Eddie. Meanwhile Jerome and Charlie are shocked when they see Rufus Zeno and accompany Jasper to get Trudy Back.

Authors Notes
So alot is happening right now and let me know what you think about The Twins doing their separate things. I was originally going to have both twins and Mara work on the ghost hunt but then I wanted Charlie to be with Jerome.

Thanks X

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