House of The Chosen Ones

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Fabian's POV

Helplessly, we watch as Nina puts the Mask of Anubis on her face. We all wait for something to happen for Nina to be possessed or something, nothing happens.

Senkhara"Why is nothing happening?"

Nina lowers the mask from her face.

Senkhara" You boy, you put it on"

She points to Nicholas who puts it on but nothing happens. 

Senkhara"You are not the paragons, I shall have to seek my champion elsewhere. You? It is over."

Senkhara disappears in a cloud of black smoke and we all scream out in pain. Joy who is the odd one out is very confused.

Joy"What is it? What's wrong?!"

We all continue to hold our ankles most likely expressing painful looks. Then both Nina and Nicholas's necklaces start glowing. Both Twins exchange looks.


Nicholas"Senkhara, wait! Please!"

Nina"Something's happening!"

Nicholas" This isn't the true Mask, Senkhara."

The mask is now lit up and Senkhara appears again, looking to the wall to our right.

A light shoots out from the Mask in Nina's hands and she points it toward the wall so we can all see what's happening. Writing is appearing on the wall. Our final clue.

Senkhara"Read, both of you."

Nina "'The true mask still waits hidden for all to see"

Nicholas" The portal of the mind awakes, The Paragons are the key.'"

The words disappear the second Senkhara does. The true mask still waits hidden for all to see.

Amber"What does that mean?"

Joy"How can something be 'hidden for all to see?"

Nicholas looks at Nina.

Nicholas" Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

Nina "Like in the museum. The bronze replica, The Frobisher-Smythes donated it to the British Museum, didn't they?"

Nicholas"Yeah, hidden in plain sight!"

Fabian"It's been right under our noses the whole time. We had no idea!"

Nina"Let's go."

Nina and Nicholas run off.

Fabian"No, twins, think about what you're doing!"

We run after them. 

Fabian""Wait, wait, wait, slow down, I hear voices."

We stop by the grate and then we see Vera, Rufus and Jerome still being held captive.


Nicholas"He's come back for the Mask,"

Nina"Well, then, we'll let him go down and get it, while we take the real one."

Fabian"No, we can't do that."

Rufus"So that's the way down to the tunnels."

Great there goes our way out.

Nina"Back, back, back, We'll have to go by the antechamber."

Fabian"No, Nina, we need to talk about this,"

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