House of Hex

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Enjoy, cute twin ness and family moments.

Eddie's POV

-Eddie's Room-

I was busy getting ready for school when my sister popped in like she always does and plonked herself down on my bed.

Eddie" Morning sis, how are you this morning"

Charlie" Okay, bit nervous about the ping pong tournament today"

I finish doing my tie up before heading over to her, she now had her head in her hands. I slip my arms around her.

Eddie" Hey, it's okay, you are going to be brilliant, I've watched you and Jerome in practise, you have nothing to worry about"

Charlie" Thank you Eddie, you really think so"

Eddie" Yeah you are a talented ping pong player and brilliant writer"

Charlie" Yeah well you are the best brother a sister could ask for"

Eddie" I know, you got this, I know you do"

Charlie's POV

I am sitting at the dining room table with the other Anubis House residents, everyone is either eating cereal or jam or peanut butter sandwiches. Alfie then comes over with his camera.

Alfie "It's the morning of the ping-pong tournament, and the entire school is holding its breath. Whoa, Charlie, waffles before a big match? Is that really a good idea?"
Charlie" Alfie they are low carb waffles and anyway you are not my coach anymore, so I can have as much maple syrup as I want"

I drizzle all the maple syrup I want onto the waffles and everyone chuckles.

Charlie" And you have waffle on your camera"

Alfie" No I haven't"

I then pick up my waffle which is smothered in maple syrup and wipe it on the lens.

Alfie" Oh well yeah, things are getting tense in here, waffly tense, right Nina"

He then bangs Nina's arm.

Nina" Ow, Oh Alfie, you are such a big kid"

Alfie then sits down and starts sucking his thumb.

-Mr Sweet's Office-

Eddie" So I guess I'm sorry"

Charlie" Me too"

Eric looks back at his twins he didn't know what else to do, he had given them every chance he could.

Mr Sweet" Apology accepted"

Twins" That's it?"

Mr Sweet" What else is there, you've won, I spoke to your Aunt this morning, she said she would have the both of you"

Charlie" What about Jason?"

Mr Sweet" I relieved him from your care when you came to this school"

Eddie" We don't want to go back do we"

Charlie*shakes her head* No"

Mr Sweet" I thought that was what you wanted?"

Eddie" When we first got here, yeah but now there is..."

Charlie" Stuff to stay for"

Mr Sweet" Well your Aunt, thinks"

Eddie" That's right because you talked her into it right, always trying to wash your hands of us"

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