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The heat from the flames singed her fur as a she-wolf cautiously scanned her surroundings. She could feel eyes on her and and the fur on the back of her neck stood at attention.

I won't let them get me, I'll protect you little one... she silently said to the little life in her stomach, that was barely a month old.

Suddenly a dark brown wolf with red eyes lunged at her, she quickly dodged and the rogue missed her by a couple of inches. She bared her teeth at the monster who merely grinned at her evilly.

He once again tried to grab for her neck but she got to him first, using all the strength she had left, she grabbed him in her jaws and pinned him down on the ground. Without a single hesitation she bite through his neck and killed him.

She slowly backed up and tried to get her heart to calm down, not wanting to hurt her unborn child. So focus on her child's well-being she didn't notice another rogue sneaking up behind her.

He growled as he pounced on her and was inches away from ending her life, when a gray wolf grabbed her attacker buy the neck and pulled him off her. Her hero was quick to end the rogue's life before running back to check on her.

Amanda are you hurt? Can you walk? He asked through their mind link.

I'm fine Jeremy, she responded while doing her best to smile at her mate.

Jeremy nuzzled their noses together before helping her up, and leading her away from their now collapsing pack house. They ran up a hill where a small group of wolves waited for them.

Amanda! A woman's voice called through the link.

Amanda turned to see her two friends run up to her in wolf form.

Thank Goddess you're alright! They exclaimed as they nuzzled her side.

I'm so happy that you girls are alright as well, she replied to her long time friends Catherine and Martha.

Meanwhile Jeremy walked up to an all black wolf who was watching their home getting consumed by the flames. His eyes fell on his parents' bodies that were slowly swallowed up by the heat.

I'm so sorry Alexander, Jeremy told his friend, who gave him a curt nod.

How could this happen, they were all happy a few moments ago. Alexander just became Alpha, and Andrew, his Beta, they had both found their mates, and Jeremy was going to share his news about him becoming a father soon. Then the rogues appeared out of nowhere and attacked them. So many lives were lost, and those that had survived where mostly young adults and pups.

What shall we do now Alpha? Andrew, Catherine's mate and their dear friend asked Alexander.

Alexander turned to face the pack, now his pack. He steeled himself and placed on an air of dominance.

We must move to a safer location, those who are able to fight form a protective circle around the pups and omegas, He ordered.

Yes Alpha! They chorused and started to take up formation.

Alexander tensed at the title, he had been training his whole life for this, yet he had always thought that his father would be there to guide him along the way. His body started to shake with the amount of pressure he felt.

What was he going to do, get them to safety then what? How would he provide food for all of them, he wasn't ready for this...

His train of thoughts were interrupted when he felt Martha rub her face against his neck. He looked at his mate and she shot him a comforting smile.

He looked towards what remained of the pack, and saw Jeremy and Andrew taking charge of directing the pack into place, with their mates comforting the frightened pups.

You can do this, you've got us to support you, Martha told him through their private link.

Alexander straightened up and smiled at her, then walked over to the front of the pack. After sending his friends a grateful nod he quietly led his pack far away from the burning remnants of their home.


Amanda screams of pain were making Jeremy anxious as he paced back and forth outside of the tent.

"Dude calm down, she'll be fine." Andrew said as he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Andrew's right Jer, Amanda's a strong woman and she has Catherine and Martha in their helping her." Alexander added.

Jeremy let out a sigh, and gave his friend a smile. A shrilling cry of a child cut through the quiet night and all their eyes widen. Catherine peeked out of the tent and all three looked at her expectantly.

"It's a boy!" she announced and the entire pack cheered.

"Can I see them?" Jeremy asked with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"In a minute," Catherine reassured as she went back into the tent.

"Congratulations man!" Andrew said as he wrapped Jeremy in a bear hug.

When they were finally let in, they found Amanda on her cot holding a tiny brunette baby in her arms. She smiled when she saw her mate and held their son out to him.

Jeremy took the boy into his arms and beamed with pride. "Hello little Georgie," he cooed.

Alexander let out a relief sigh and stepped out of the tent to take in some fresh air. They have been in this area for about two months now, and after months of travelling to escape the rogues, they were slowly building themselves back. Their pack house would soon be complete, but for now they would have to settle in tents.

Alexander lifted his eyes to the night sky, and found no sign of the moon.

Must be new moon tonight, he thought. A darkened moon... The beginning phase of a thing known to illuminate the night... the sign of rebirth and new beginnings, he concluded.

He peeked back into the tent to see his friends fawning over little George, Perhaps this is the sign of our pack's rebirth...

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