Chapter 5

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Those horny bastards... George groaned as he stomped down the school's hallways.

He had trouble sleeping these past few days since Dream and Sapnap were going at it like animals in heat, and he could tell every single time that they were doing it.

Poor Aiden had retreated far too deep into George, and the only sign that he was still there was a flicker of warmth that George would feel from time to time.

He rounded the corner, and his attention was immediately caught by the sight of Sapnap and Dream kissing besides their lockers.

Aiden whimpered and George felt his heart constrict, I can't breath, I need to get out of here...

As he slowly backed away he ended up bumping into someone. He was about to mumble an apology when the person caught his arm and made him look up.

"George? Honey, what's wrong?" Tiffany asked, wiping away a few stray tears from the brunette's face. George hadn't even noticed that he was crying.

Tiffany peeked out of the corner to see what was troubling her friend, and when she saw Dream and Sapnap kissing, she sighed.

"Oh George..." she whispered out and he slumped into her arms.

Tiffany slowly led him away and into an empty classroom. There she let him spill every single tear on her shoulder before drying his eyes.

"Hold still okay, I'm going to apply a bit of makeup to cover your puffy eyes..." Tiffany said as she took out a pouch filled with cosmetics, and started to conceal any signs of crying on her friend's face.

"I hate this Ann...I hate feeling like this... I'm getting emotional and weak and I hate it."

"Georgie there are some things you can't help, and falling for someone is one of them..."

"I don't love them though..." He reasoned out.

"But you feel something for them don't you?"

George nodded and she gave him a hug.

"You know that I'll always be there for you, whenever you need me," she reminded and he gave her a smile.

His situation was a bit hard to explain, but he was happy to know that she supported him.

"And hey, today's the end of the school year, you won't have to see them that much anymore." She said trying to sound positive.

I'll probably still see them back on the pack lands, he wanted to say but didn't. "Thanks Ann, for being such an amazing friend. I'm gonna miss you during the summer."

"No problem Georgie, and you could always visit me if needed. We best get going though, Karl's probably waiting for you outside."

He doubted he would be able to visit her under the watchful eyes of his parents, and the rest of the pack. Well he could always sneak out, he's done it before.

Tiffany did offer to walk him to the parking lot, but George told her that he would be fine. So with one last hug they separated, and George found himself daydreaming as he walked down the corridor.

Due to his lack of paying attention he ended bumping into someone again, only this time he nearly fell down. The person he bumped into however, managed to catch him in time. Embarrassed, George was about to spout out a string of apologizes, when the scent of apples and cinnamon attacked his nose.

"You okay George?" Dream asked as he helped the brunette straighten.

"Yes..." the brunette mumbled, keeping his gaze to the ground, and hating the sparks shooting up his body from the blonde's touch.

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