Chapter 13

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A few days have passed since then, and George had officially moved into Dream and Sapnap's bedroom. They have not gone passed kissing just yet, and as promised Dream and Sapnap never pushed him beyond his limits.

This particular day, George was helping out the other omegas in the pack's kitchen. They were cooking up a meal for the warriors, who were currently in a meeting with Dream and Sapnap.

Doing this was one of the duties of a Luna, and by Tristan suggestion, George decided to try and ease himself into the role. He was still a bit nervous on taking on the title, but he wanted to support Dream and Sapnap with their jobs.

When everything was ready and the table was set, George offered to call the warriors down to the dinning room. Antfrost gave him two trays for Sapnap and Dream, saying that maybe they would prefer to eat in the privacy of the meeting room.

George agreed and head up the stairs to the meeting room. He knocked on the door, and heard Dream tell him to come in. He then pushed the door open to see all the warriors and Techno, seated along the long table in the room. Dream and Sapnap had stressed looks on their faces, but relaxed when they saw George.

"Hello Luna!" all the warriors greeted with smiles, and this time George didn't cringe at the title.

"Lunch is ready, why not take a break and head down to the feast that the omegas prepared for you." he said.

The warriors looked to Dream for permission, and the blonde smiled.

"This meeting is already over anyway, remember your new patrol schedules, and make sure to notify us if there is even the smallest signs of rogues."

"Yes Alpha!" came the response.

"Be safe out there, now go on and enjoy your meal. Make sure to the thank the omegas once you're done." Sapnap reminded

The warriors once again agreed, and Techno guided the warriors out before saying his goodbyes to the trio.

Once the door shut, George walked over with the trays of food and placed them in front of his mates. Dream pulled the brunette onto his lap, while Sapnap raised a spoon to George's mouth to feed him.

Choosing to humor them just this once, the brunette accepted the food.

When they finished the meal, George got off Dream's lap so he could bring the dishes down, but got pulled onto Sapnap's lap instead.

The raven head inhaled his scent, and gave his neck several kisses. "Your scent always calms me down after a stressful day Love," he whispered against George's skin, sending shivers down the omega's spine, and making his cock come to life.

Sapnap's hands ran down his sides in a sensual manner, and George let out a pleased sigh. The brunette felt Dream grab his chin, before the blonde pressed their lips together.

Sapnap's hands continued to trail up and down the brunette's sides and chest, as George's kiss with Dream got increasingly heated.

"George..." the beta whispered out, and George stopped the kiss to turn to Sapnap and give him a kiss as well.

"May I?" the raven head rasped against the omega's lips, as his hands laid over George's tent.

The brunette bit his lip then nodded.

Sapnap smiled and recaptured his lips in a quick kiss, before slowly slipping his hands into the omega's pants. Dream quickly stood up and locked the door, before returning to Sapnap and giving him a kiss, while George watched them with lustful eyes.

The brunette threw his head back when Sapnap's warm hand wrapped around his erection, and moaned softly when the beta started to stroke him.

Dream then broke his kiss with Sapnap to look at George smugly. The brunette was trying so hard to hold in his moans, but Dream leaned in and gently bit his lip, making a moan slip pass.

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