Chapter 28

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Aiden opened his eyes and his hands instantly flew to his stomach. He and George may not have known about the pup for very long, but they had an instant connection to it, so the loss was hard on him too.

"Oh Love..." Derick said as he pulled the omega closer.

Aiden tried to hold the tears back but to no avail. Mathias was instantly by his side, wiping them away before they could stain his cheek.

"Don't cry Love..." Mathias begged.

"I didn't even get to feel a kick..." Aiden mumbled out, and his mates held him tighter.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect your heir..." Aiden continued to sob.

"Oh Love, please don't blame yourself. It was that monster's fault." Derick said.

"And this will never change our love for you Aiden. We love you so much, and it hurts us to see you in pain. So please don't cry..." Mathias stated as he kissed Aiden's cheek.

"but an heir..."

"We could always try again in the future Love, as for now let's spend these moments together. Besides, our humans are still much to young to deal with a very demanding pup." Derick said, and Aiden finally relaxed into their touch.

"We love you Aiden," they both said before giving him pecks on the lips.

"I love you too," Aiden replied shyly.

Derick and Mathias look at him with such fondness, that Aiden's clenched in happiness. The three of them then cuddled on the bed, as they allowed the pain of their loss to slowly fade away..


"Well, why not?" Tristan insisted.

"They could be busy..." George said.

"No they're not, and you know it. Come on George, it could be good for you guys to just get away and relax a bit." Tristan stated.

George has significantly been getting better. Dream and Sapnap were gentle but firm when it came to his grieving. They made sure to give him a list of things to do to keep him occupied, and got him back to eating proper meals at the appropriate times.

George was grateful that they were so patient with him, but he knows that things were not back to normal just yet. He truly missed them, they may see each other every day and cuddle together at night, but he missed seeing them genuinely smile. He missed their laughs, kisses, and all the intimate and silly things they used to do.

He sought Tristan out for advice and the warlock suggested that they go on a vacation, just like what the trio had planning to do before the terrible incident took place.

"George, Dream and Sapnap will not do anything that you aren't comfortable with. If you want to spend some undisturbed time with them in a happier environment, you need to bring it up to them. Like I told you before, CO.MU.NI.CATE." The warlock emphasized.

"And the pack?"

"Your parents are doing a mighty fine job running it right now, you have nothing to worry about."

"Okay..." George conceded, "Thanks Ann, I'm really glad that we became friends."

Tristan smiled, "No problem Georgie, now what else did you want to tell me?"

George quirked an eyebrow in surprise, "it's scary how you can read me so well..."

The warlock giggled, "And it's worrisome that you still haven't gotten used to it."

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