Chapter 20

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George knew that they were only thinking about his well-being, but it still brought tears to his eyes. Goddess I've gotten so soft...

He was unable to stop a sniffle from coming out when Aiden howled inside of him, and his mates instantly wrapped him in a hug.

"Love, don't cry... we aren't rejecting you George." Dream assured.

"Georgie, we want to form a bond with you, but that means you'll have to take us both at the same time. You aren't ready for that yet Love, so please understand." Sapnap explained.

George looked at both of his mates, who each had a hand on one of his cheeks. Their eyes showed concern, so he gave them a sweet smile as he bared his neck in submission.

"I am ready, please mark me and make me yours..." he quietly begged.

All of Dream and Sapnap's self control flew out the window at those words, and the alpha smashed their lips together. Sapnap stood behind the brunette and kissed up and down the omega's neck, leaving hickeys as he went along.

Dream growled, and brought his arms to George's thighs to lift the omega up. Sapnap followed them as they made their way to the bedroom, where Dream gently laid the brunette on the bed.

"Shit, we forgot to buy lube..." Sapnap pointed out, as both he and Dream began to remove their clothes.

"There's a bottle over there Dear," George said, as he pointed towards the one that he had used for the butt plug earlier.

Speaking of the butt plug...

"Oh Goddess," Dream breathed out when he had stripped the omega of his clothes, and saw the toy buried deep inside of George.

"What is it?" Sapnap asked as he walked over to the bed, with the lube in hand.

"What the..." the raven head said when he too saw the toy. They both looked up at their mate, who merely smiled at them impishly.

The Beta and Alpha's faces darkened with lust, and their initial shocked expression turned into smirks.

"Hmmm... someone's awfully prepared..." Sapnap said smugly as he leaned down to kiss George's neck, with Dream doing the same on the other side.

"Naughty omega, we wanted to be the ones to prep you." Dream scolded playfully.

"I'm sorry Darling," George moaned out.

"Hmm...kiss Sapnap Love. Show him how much you want him," Dream commanded.

George instantly straddled the raven head, who smiled warmly at his mate. The pair locked their lips in a passionate kiss, moaning in pleasure as their erections rubbed against each other.

George started rocking his hips back and forth, wanting more contact. So Sapnap decided to take the brunette's length into his hand.

George tensed up and whimpered when Dream started to play with the butt plug, slowly thrusting it into the brunette and swirling it around. When it grazed his sweet spot, George threw his head back and let out a throaty moan.

Sapnap pulled him back down for a rough kiss, and Dream removed the toy from George. The brunette moaned into the kiss at the sensation, before the blonde slowly guided his hips towards Sapnap's erection.

"Are you ready Georgie?" Dream whispered into the brunette's ear.


With a nod from Sapnap as the final confirmation, Dream guided the raven head's erection to the brunette's gaping hole. The blonde poured some lube onto the beta's length before slowly pushing George down on it.

"Oh fuck!" Sapnap cursed, as he easily slid into the omega.

George shuddered, as chills ran down his body at the sensation of finally having his mate in him. The brunette then leaned down to connect their lips. Sapnap tightly gripped onto the omega's hair, angling George's head so they could deepen the kiss.

"We love you George, we love you so much," Sapnap said when they pulled away, and gently caressed the brunette's cheeks.

Blush crawled its way to George's cheek, and he tried to say it back but the words wouldn't leave his mouth. Goddess I'm pathetic...

"It's okay Love, we can wait till you're ready to say it back." Dream assured, and pressed a kiss to the omega's cheek. "Are you ready for Sapnap to start moving?"

George bit his lip but nodded.

"Alright then, Dear remember to be gentle," Dream said.

"No promises," Sapnap teased as he slowly pulled out of George. The brunette smiled brightly at him, as his eyes stared to flash between blue and brown.

Sapnap thrust into him in one go and the brunette screamed. The raven head continued his movements till George was a moaning mess.

"You ready for me Love?" Dream asked in a husky voice, obviously turned on by the show that the omega and beta were putting on.


Sapnap and Dream nodded at each other, before the blonde adjusted his position to penetrate George.

"Oh Goddess!" George screamed when Dream finally slipped in.

The Alpha and Beta moaned, when they felt their members rub against each other in George's warm cavern. When the omega finally adjusted to their sizes, Dream started thrusting into the brunette.

The sound of skin slapping skin, labored breaths, moans, and the occasional grunts, are all that can be heard as they allowed themselves to fully drown in pleasure.

"Harder..." George mutters out after some time.

Their eyes flashed once again, before Sapnap and Dream smile at each other.

"As you wish Love," Dream whispered then quickened his movements.

"I'm going..." George started to say, before letting out a frustrated groan when Sapnap gripped the base of his erection.

"Hang in there a bit longer Love, wait for us." the raven head said.

Dream continued to thrust into George, who was now flushed and panting. The Alpha and Beta felt their canines extend as they all neared their limit.

"Please..." George begged.

Sapnap glanced at Dream who nodded.

"Cum with us George!" Dream commanded as Sapnap released his grip.

George shrieked and shivered as he came onto the beta's chest. His orgasm caused his muscles to tighten around the blonde and raven head, who immediately exploded inside him.

George's eyes were now glowing blue and his canines were out. He leaned down to mark Sapnap who does the same to him, while Dream claims the other side of the omega's neck. When the marks have been cleaned off George turns slightly, and gives Dream his mark.

The blonde then pulls him off of Sapnap's now limp member, and lays him down on the bed. He spoons George, while Spanap and the omega wrap their arms around each other.

Exhaustion soon takes over and they all drift off to sleep.  

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