Chapter 26

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Bonus update for this week, because I'm stressed and apparently stress eating isn't healthy. [Types this while reaching for a bag of chips]

So I decided to stress write instead 

Hope you enjoy this chapter, but I highly doubt you will...


Aiden barked his reply but George continued to stare at the woman in awe. "I'm sorry but who are you, and how do you know my name?"

The woman giggled and her eyes twinkled in amusement. "I go by many names for humans. The Greeks called me Artemis, the Japanese called me Tsukuyumi, but I've also been called Diana, Luna and Selene." she enumerated while putting up a finger with each name.

She then smile again, "But I believe you werewolves prefer to call me Bitch."

George's jaw dropped, "You're the Moon Goddess..."

"That's me!" she confirmed before floating over to Aiden and patting his furry head.

"It's okay Aiden, I'm not mad at you for calling me that." She reassured the guilty looking wolf, who licked her hand as an apology.

"So am I dead?" George asked.

"No, if you were, you wouldn't be on this island." She explained. "You are here because Seth wouldn't stop hitting you till you screamed out in pain, which would make Dream and Sapnap go feral with rage. I decided to step in and pull your consciousness here, plus there are a few things that need to be explained to you. First off, you know of the Goddess of Fate right?"

"Yes, I read a bit about her..." George answered.

"Good, well she is in charge of not only pairing up humans to their significant other, but also intertwining their lives with other people who they are meant to meet. All the interactions that you have made, whether with your friends or strangers throughout your life have all been planned out by her, including our very own interaction right now. Both she and I work together to form mate pairs for werewolves."

She then lifted her hands up and the trio started floating upwards, till they rested on the top branches of the wisteria tree.

"You know that your purpose as a white wolf is protect your pack from something?" She asked, as she waved her hand around to summon a mini tea set that floated in the air.

George nodded, "It's Seth isn't it?"

The Moon Goddess confirmed it with a nod, before offering a cup to George and a treat to Aiden.

"Truth to be told George, you weren't suppose to have two mates. You were only suppose to have one, but after Seth burned down your old pack lands in an attempt to prevent your birth, we decided to give you a little more protection, hence your third mate."

George was silent as his mind started wandering. Only one mate? Now would that be Dream or Sapnap? He couldn't even imagine living a happy life without the both of them.

"George?" Are you okay?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, it's just a lot to take in."

The Moon Goddess nodded, "Understandable, but it's something that you needed to know."

George downed the rest of his tea, just as Aiden finished up his treat. The pair then thanked her for the snacks.

"It was my pleasure, but unfortunately it is time for you to return back to earth. Your mates are currently fighting to saving you." She said before standing up, and the trio suddenly found themselves back on the grassy plains.

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