Chapter 2

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The school that they attended was a normal human one, with the occasional supernatural. Alexander wanted to give the pups a chance to experience the outside world, as long as they promised to keep their identity as a werewolf a secret.

George managed to reach his classroom in time, and immediately started taking down notes as his teacher started the discussion. He was a rather bright kid, and his teachers were very pleased with his performance. The last subject he had however, was gym.

Now don't get him wrong, he didn't mind the subject, but he wasn't a fan of ball games. He preferred swimming, gymnastics and running, over basketball or football. Luckily their teacher was pretty nice, and allowed his students to do what they wanted as long as they didn't stay idle.

George was busy stretching out so he could run a couple of laps, when someone jumped onto his back.

"Hey Georgie!" a feminine voice squealed, making George smile.

"Tiffany! Get off!" he sighed in mock exasperation. Tiffany giggled and slid off his back, then reached up to tie her brown hair into a ponytail.

Tiffany was a bouncing ball of energy, who always managed to get George to relax. She was definitely pretty, with rich, wavy, chocolate brown hair, that glowed gold when the sun hits it at the right angle, and blue-green eyes that immediately caught anyone's attention. She gave off an aura of innocence and naivety, but George knew that she was the exact opposite. Tons of guys liked her, but George was not one of them.

"Let's go George!" she yelled before taking off, George huffed and ran after her.

The pair soon settled into a rhythm, and exchanged a few words between even breaths.

Something caught George's eye and he turned his focus from his friend, to the open court where a bunch of guys were playing basketball. His attention was drawn towards a blonde and a raven head, who currently had the ball.

The raven head ran and dodged his blockers, passing the ball to the blonde who dunked it. The pair let out a holler of victory, before going in for a chest bump.

Well would you look at those overjoyed cave men Adien suddenly said, and George had to stifle a laugh from leaving his throat.

"You okay?" Tiffany asked from besides him and he nodded.

She glanced past him to see what he was looking at and gasped. "Georgie! Don't tell me that you're crushing on those jocks," she cried, in a jokingly mortified voice.

George stopped in his tracks to let out a good laugh, with Aiden joining him inside his head. "Ann, don't be ridiculous...I would never be interested in those idiots."

"Didn't you used to be childhood friends though?" she asked.

"Emphasis on the 'used to'," George responded, as he returned to his run, with Tiffany following closely behind.

Once they were done with their laps, he waved goodbye to her and headed for the shower rooms. He had just finished getting dressed when a shadow cast over him.

"You shouldn't be getting too close to humans," a voice spoke, which the brunette recognized instantly.

"I fail to see how you get a say in who I should be friends with Dream," he responded to the blonde.

Sure, they used to be pretty close since Sapnap and Dream were merely 4 months younger than him, but when George was around 10 years old their friendship became strained.

Despite the brunette's efforts to try and save it, they eventually drifted apart when Sapnap and Dream left to attend werewolf school, in order to train for their future roles as the Beta and Alpha of the Darkened Moon pack.

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