Chapter 22

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They both turned him around, and Derick was first to claim his lips. Aiden met each kiss with fervor, before pulling away so Mathias could get his turn.

"I hate you guys so much," Aiden rasped out against Mathias' lips, making both him and Derick smirk.

"Sure you do," Mathias states with sarcasm, as he lifted Aiden up and pinned him to the wall.

"I really do," Aiden breathed out, before gasping when Derick sucked on his mark. "I hate how you guys messed with me back home, I hate that the Goddess decided to put us in the same vicinity here on earth, I hate how she made us mates..."

Aiden paused to throw his head back, when Mathias encircled his length with his warm hand. "What else Love, what else do you hate?" he asked huskily.

"I hate...I hate..." Aiden repeated, trying not to lose himself when Mathias started to stroke him.

"I hate how you guys can make me melt with a single touch now," he whimpered out.

Derick and Mathias beamed and kissed his cheeks, "go on Love, tell us more..."

"I hate how a kiss from you is enough to get my heart racing. I hate how I want to stay in your arms forever, and how-" Aiden's body tensed when he felt so close to release, due to all the stimulation his mates were giving him.

"Go on..." Derick probed.

Aiden whimpered, "I hate how I'm actually starting to like you..."

Derick and Mathias growled, pleased with his words. They shut off the water then Mathias carried Aiden out and placed him on the sink's counter, where they helped him dry off.

"Be honest Love, who's idea was it to shave and use that butt plug yesterday?" Derick asked as he helped dry Aiden's hair.

Aiden blushed, "Tristan's"

Derick and Mathias then straightened up and gave Aiden a look that meant, 'elaborate.'

Aiden sighed, "Well...George and I were getting a bit frustrated that we haven't mated yet, and we knew that you guys wouldn't want to do it on full moon, or anytime soon because you thought we weren't ready for it. So we talked to Tristan and he helped us prepare ourselves, including how to get you guys horny enough to agree to mating. There was no concert, we lied and spent the night at Tristan's"

"So touch starving us, and disappearing on full moon night was all part of the plan?" Mathias asked and Aiden nodded.

"We also used the time to get ourselves used to the concept of being penetrated. I'm sorry, please don't get mad at Tristan."

"Oh Love, we aren't mad. In fact, we need to make sure that Dream and Sapnap thank him, but the fact remains that we didn't get to prep you..." Mathias said in feign sadness, as he spread Aiden's legs and used his finger to play around Aiden's hole.

"You healed this area up right? Are you nice and tight for us yet?" Derick asked smugly, and Aiden nodded.

"Do you need time to prepare a bit Love?" They asked, and Aiden gave them another nod.

"Alright then, we'll wait for you on the bed."

Aiden rushed out to find the wooden box again, and did his preparation quickly. He didn't have to hide the contents of the box anymore, so he left the container by the sink.

Aiden shyly stood by the doorway, and he could feel his mates' lustful eyes on him. Derick was the one who walked over to him and carried him to bed.

"If you want us to stop at anytime Love, just tell us..." he reminded and Aiden gave him a warm smile.

Mathias wrapped his arms around Aiden's waist, then started to suck and kiss his neck. The omega tilted his head back and let out a shaky breath. He rested his head on Mathias' shoulder as his mate left little hickeys, then turned his head a bit to capture the beta's lips.

Aiden shifted around so he now sat on Mathias' lap, while their kiss got increasingly heated. Meanwhile Derick paid attention to Aiden's nape, leaving a trail of kisses down to his spine then up again. 

The white wolf moaned, then felt Mathias' hands traveling down to his ass. Before the beta could cup them however, Aiden surprised the Beta by grabbing onto his wrist, pushing him down on the bed, and pinning his hands above his head.

"Naughty Omega," Mathias teased in a sultry voice, and the omega responded with a cheeky smile. Derick knew what was about to happen and back up a bit. Seconds later, Mathias flipped himself and Aiden around, so that he was the one on top.

  Aiden just gave Mathias a mischievous smile, but took in a sharp breath when the beta leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Seems like you need a reminder on who's in charge, my Love."

"That would be me Dear," Aiden replied smugly, before trying to flip them over again, but Mathias had him pinned down firmly.

"Our mate still has a hard time accepting that he is the submissive in this relationship..." Derick declared with a smirk, before sharing a nod with Mathias.

Mathias got off Aiden, and Derick gently pulled him to the edge of the bed, before pecking his lips "On your hands and knees Love," he commanded with such authority that Aiden quickly complied.

"Mat," Derick called, getting his other mate's attention. "Have fun..." he continued in a sly voice.

Mathias shot him a mischievous smile, then went to stand in front of Aiden, while Derick kneeled behind him. Derick kissed the omega's back again, before grabbing onto Aiden's hips and flattening his tongue against his hole.

"Oh fuck!" Aiden cried out as he gripped onto the sheets.

"Aiden, open your mouth for me." Mathias said, and the omega did as requested.

Mathias slid his length into Aiden's mouth, "If you want us to stop, just tap the bed okay."

Aiden hummed his reply, sending vibrations down Mathis' member. Aiden surprised the beta by taking in all of his length in one go, while pushing back towards Derick so the Alpha could rim him better. Derick hums, and starts adding his fingers into his assault on the omega's hole.

"I think he's ready," Derick declared after a while. He grabbed a bottle of lube, and poured some onto his member.

As Mathias started to thrust into Aiden's mouth, Derick entered him from behind. Moans and grunts escaped their lips as Aiden tightens around Derick, while flicking his tongue over Mathias' shaft. Once the omega finally adjusted to Derick's size, the alpha started to thrust in sync with Mathias. 

The trio soon finds themselves on the edge, and Aiden lets go of Mathias' member to express he need for release.

"You can come anytime you want Love." Derick says.

Aiden retakes Mathias into his mouth, and after a few more seconds he releases his load onto the sheets. His orgasm is the undoing of his mates as well, and they both shot into his caverns.

Derick pulls Aiden back onto the bed for cuddles, and Mathias joins them.

"We love you Aiden..." they whisper just as they all drift off to sleep again. 


Hey guys!

 Hope you all are having a good day,  and if not I hope this chapter managed to cheer you up a bit. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

So I have a bit of bad news... 

Starting next week, I'm going  to change my upload schedule for this book to 1 chapter every week, and for Olympian Syndrome will only be 2-3 chapters per week.

I'm really sorry, but I'm very swamped with school work right now

I have to write 45 short essays(Seriously, are they trying to kill us?) as one of the requirements in a subject, and there are several more assignments that I need to do in that subject alone.  Plus, I have to write a Thesis for another subject. (ㄒoㄒ)

I promised that once things get less hectic, I will return to my usual upload schedule (^‿^)

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