Chapter 15

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"Elder Philza!" George called, as he approached the man with shoulder length blonde hair.

"Good morning Luna and...Warlock?" the man said rather confused.

"This is my friend Tristan," George introduced and Philza shook Tristan's hand cautiously.

"Philza, we were wondering if you could tell us what you know about white wolves," George said and the man sighed.

"I am sorry Luna but I have already told you all that I know. I unfortunately couldn't finish reading the book that we had back in the old pack lands, and have already forgotten the title." He confessed. "But, I do recall that Alpha Alexander was planning to make a library in the pack house, and I requested for the werewolf council to see if some packs could donate a few books. They should be arriving shortly, perhaps they have something."

The pair thanked him and headed back to the pack house. They found a very confused Dream and Sapnap on the phone, while several betas were carrying a truck load of books into the pack house.

"No, you did not mention this," Dream hissed with exasperation.

"Sorry pup, but I did have a couple of bedrooms taken out to make the library remember." Alexander's voice crackled over the phone.

"Yes I do remember you having work down in the house, but you did not say that it was a library."

"Well then relax pup, I asked Karl to take charge of it anyway. By the way, how are Sapnap and George?"

"They're good," Dream replied, just as George and Tristan finally reached them.

Sapnap gave George a kiss on he cheek, and Dream pecked his other cheek. They had not yet told their parents about George being their third mate, knowing that their parents would rush home to gush and immediately plan the Luna ceremony. Not wanting to pressure the omega, they all agreed to keep silent.

"Could you put George on, Jeremy wants to speak with him." Alexander asked.

Dream handed the omega the phone, before hugging him from behind.

"Hi dad!" George greeted.

"Hey pup! How are you?"

"I'm good, how's the vacation so far?"

"It's been amazing pup, but you're going to have to buy a couple of shelves for all the souvenirs your mum is buying for you."

George giggled and asked his father to give his mom his regards, before handing the phone over to Sapnap so he could talk to Andrew and Catherine.

He then saw Karl leading the betas around, and directing them in an orderly manner. The brunette would become the Head of the Betas when he reached 18, and was already showing promise.

George walked over to his friend, and Tristan used his powers to magically teleport all the books to the assigned room, along with George and Karl.

Karl blinked several times, as if shocked by what just happened, before hugging Tristan .

"Y-Yo-you are t-touching me," the warlock stammered out, his body suddenly very tense. He wasn't used to other people, besides George, touching him.

"Thank you so much for you help!" Karl squealed happily, and Tristan awkwardly returned the hug.

"I'm going to check on the carpenters, and see if all the shelves are ready!" Karl said before dashing out of the room.

"Well, he certainly is... perky," Tristan commented and George laughed.

"Now..." George stated as he twirled around to survey the mountains of book in the room. "How do we find a book in all of this?"

Tristan shot him a smile and snapped both of his fingers, causing all the books to levitated and form a straight line. He then had the books slowly pass by them, so they could read the title.

"Our very own magical conveyor belt," George commented with a giggle, and Tristan snickered.

As the books passed their vision Tristan had them arranged into neat piles by their genre, so that whoever the librarian was would have an easier job organizing the shelves.

"What about this one?" George said, and Tristan stopped the books movement.

George took the levitating book and showed it to Tristan, " 'Legends of Old', well it's worth a try."

George opened the book and started to scan its contents. "Look here!" he exclaimed and Tristan leaned over to read the passage that his friend was pointing to.

The passage mentions how the first white wolf was actually the Moon Goddess herself, who descended from the astral plains along with several other deities during the supernatural world war, in hopes to stop the fighting.

It mentions how the Goddess of Fate, who was in charge of connecting two souls together as lovers, made important members of the different races soulmates, hoping that it would stop the centuries old war. The soon to be Alpha of the werewolves, appeared to be mated to a vampire related to the Vampire Lord.

The pair met in secret and fell in love. Unfortunately, all the mixed couples were pegged as traitors, and they were to be executed by their own people.

After spilling the blood of a few of them, the heavens rolled back and the deities descended, stopping the executions from continuing. The war came to an end, but unfortunately the soon to be Alpha was one of the supernaturals who died that day. The lonely vampire wandered alone in his grief, and eventually was killed by a hunter.

The story carries on to when humans started to hunt down supernaturals a couple of centuries back. Hunters came by the hundreds, killing every magical creature in sight. Witches used their magic to conceal themselves, and Vampires lurked around in the darkness to hide, but the werewolves and other shifters could not do the same.

When it seemed that there would be no escape for the werewolves, a ray of light was given to several packs. The very first werewolves with pure white coats, who used their powers to keep them hidden from the hunters. Other packs and shifters who managed to escape, sought sanctuary under their protection and it was granted to them.

When the humans finally came to the conclusion that they had succeeded in wiping out all supernaturals, the shifters separated once again.

Throughout the years, whenever it seemed like a pack was facing certain dange, a white wolf would be born, and serve its purpose by protecting not only its pack, but sometimes its entire race.

The white wolves were then considered special, but also a bad omen for the future.

George stood there in shock, trying to process everything. He was born to protect his pack from an incoming storm, but was he prepared to fulfil this duty.

"George?" Tristan called softly.

"We need to train harder Ann," George stated firmly. I will protect my pack

Tristan gave him a side hug, "You aren't alone George, when the time comes, we will all fight with you."

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