Chapter 18

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The next morning George woke up in Sapnap's arms. The raven head was still fast asleep, with a serene look on his face. George smiled and gently caressed his cheek, but blushed when he remembered the words that they said before he blacked out yesterday.

He sat up just as Dream exited the bathroom, with only a towel on.

"Morning Love," the blonde greeted with a smile.

"Morning Darling," George playfully replied, and smirked when he saw a tinge of pink color the blonde's cheeks.

Two arms then wrapped around George from behind, "No pet name for me Love?" Sapnap asked, his voice still husky from his sleep.

"Yours is Dear, Sappy Nappy," George replied, turning his head slightly to kiss the raven head's cheek.

"What are your plans for today George?" Dream asked as he crawled over to the brunette, to peck both him and Sapnap on the lips.

"I'm actually hoping to spend the day with Tristan, all we've been doing lately is train, and I think we both deserve a day off." George replied.

Sapnap and Dream frowned a bit and George giggled. "Jealous?" he asked.

"Yes, but not at Tristan. We want to spend time with you as well George, but we got Alpha and Beta duties to take care off." Dream said.

"How about you guys plan for a weekend get away? I'm sure Techno would be able to handle the pack for two days," George suggested.

"Wonderful idea Georgie, we'll start planning right away!" Sapnap said.

George gave them both one last kiss before showering and dressing up, then he called Tristan. The warlock suggested that they go to the mall in town, and the omega happily agreed.

Tristan teleported them to the mall's restrooms, that just happened to be empty. Tristan then used his magic to transform himself into Tiffany.

George giggled as his friend flirtatiously batted his now long eyelashes at him. He always did become more lively as Tiffany. Tristan may never admit it, but George knew that his friend loved cross-dressing as a girl. George was also the one who came up with the nickname Ann, which the warlock absolutely adored.

The pair sneakily exited the restrooms, and spent the day just window shopping and chatting. After a while they felt a bit hungry, and decided to stop at one of the cafes in the mall.

"So...Spill!" Tristan said.

"What?" George asked taking another sip of his tea.

The warlock rolled his eyes, "I know you George, there's something on your mind that you are dying to tell me. So spill!"

George blushed and placed his drink back on the table, "So...uhhh, Dream and Sapnap said that they love me..." he started and Tristan muffled a shriek with his hands.

"Oh My Gosh! Please tell me you said it back!" He said, excitement clear in his voice.

"Uh no, I didn't..."

"What! Why?" He groaned.

"I kind of blacked out Ann..." George said, his face heating up.

"What do you mean black out? Did you over use your powers again?"

"No..." George whispered out, his face now completely red.

Tristan quirked up an eyebrow till realization hit him and he gasped.

"Oh I see, you guys went at it pretty hard huh?" He asked with a smirk.

"Urgh Ann!" George groaned, making Tristan laugh.

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