Chapter 9

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"I missed you too Tristan!" George replied as he held his friend close.

Tristan pulled away then childishly pouted, "I thought with your parents gone, you would visit me more often than once a month."

"Sorry, life's been a bit hectic," George reasoned out.

"You wanna tal-"

Tristan was cut off as a black wolf, and a timber wolf, jumped out of nowhere and headed straight for him. Their growls and teeth showed that they were out for blood.

Tristan pulled George behind him and smirked at his attackers. With the swipe of his hand he had the two wolves pinned against a tree, by an invisible force.

The black wolf snapped its jaws, while the timber wolf used all its strength to fight against whatever was holding back.

"Wait!" George yelled as he gripped onto his friend's arm, making the wolves growl angrily at the fact that their mate was touching this stranger.

"It's them!" George continued.

"Oh!" Tristan gasped and quickly released the wolves, who fell to the ground with a thud.

George ran over to the wolves as they shifted back to human form. "You guys okay?" the brunette asked, and he was immediately sandwiched by Dream and Sapnap.

"Mine!" they yelled aggressively at Tristan, who stifled a laugh and tried bite back his amused smile.

"Relax he's all yours, and sorry about that Dream and Sapnap. I've never seen you in wolf form before, so I thought you guys were rogues," the boy said apologetically.

"How do you know our names?" Dream asked cautiously.

"Oh right! You've never seen me like this," Tristan stated and he snapped his fingers. Flower petals once again covered him before they scattered to reveal a woman, but this time the Alpha and Beta recognized her.

"You're that human that George is friends with..." Dream stated confused.

"That's right, people at our school call me Tiffany, but my real name is Tristan and I am a warlock." The woman stated before changing back into a boy.

"Why are you dressing up as a girl at school?" Sapnap asked.

"I'm kind of wanted in the supernatural world, so I had to take on a different identity to escape being caught by the council."

"What did you do?" Dream asked.

"Accidentally killed my entire convent when I was 10, been on the run since then..." Tristan replied nonchalantly.

Dream and Sapnap's jaws dropped open, and George chose this time to escape from their grasps.

"Do follow me, I have some treats you guys can snack on before heading back home." Tristan offered as he floated towards the cliff, leading them right under the waterfall.

He pressed his hand against the stone, and it opened up to reveal a tunnel. At the end was a small space, lit up by magically glowing flowers. The placed looked like the inside of a wooden cabin, and gave off a comfy feel.

Once they were all seated, Tristan waved his hand, and in came a floating tray with little cakes and tea.

"Help yourselves," the warlock said and the werewolves dug in.

"Never thought I would find a warlock that was okay with werewolves..." Dream stated, and Tristan scoffed.

"The supernatural world war ended centuries ago, our kinds may not be all buddy-buddy, but I find no reason to not be civil to you..." the warlock declared, before turning to George.

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