Chapter 25

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Dream leaped onto the rogue's back and bit its neck hard, killing the wolf instantly. All around him, his mighty warriors were easily out powering the rogues. The rogues may have the numbers, but they were no match for the Darkened Moon's trained warriors.

Go Dream, find George, We'll take it from here! Techno said through the mind link.

Dream quickly entered the rogue's base, with Sapnap and Tristan not far behind. The trio ruthlessly fought their way past the rogues inside, and burst into the room where Seth and Kourin were.

"Damn it, looks like I'll have to take care of these guys first." Seth muttered out.

"I only managed to partially transfer the Wind element into you." Kourin informed.

"It should be more than enough to beat these guys," Seth said, before attacking the Beta and Alpha still in human form.

Thanks to his new found powers, he was able to put up a good fight against Dream and Sapnap. Kourin was about to assist Seth when icicles came flying at her.

She glanced up to find Tristan smirking at her.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't the brat from the Eclipse convent who killed his entire family. I thought you starved to death." Kourin mocked before she fired her magic at him.

Tristan easily deflected the attack, "for me to be known by the Fallen Witch herself, is quite an honor. So this is where you ended up, after getting kicked out of your convent for dabbling in necromancy."

"Two prodigies against each other, who will win?" Kourin asked smugly.

"Only one way to find out," Tristan said before charging at her, and throwing her upwards with such a great force that she broke through the ceiling. He followed her out through the hole that she had made, and the pair battled it out in the skies.

Meanwhile Dream and Sapnap were struggling with Seth, who was fending them off easily with an evil smile. He then used his newly acquired powers to push them back, and pinned to the wall.

He then walked over to George who was just starting to wake up, and used his powers to flip the table into a vertical position, so Dream and Sapnap could see him clearly.

"You brats ought to know your place!" Seth yelled as he landed a punch to George's cheek.

Sapnap and Dream fought against the force pinning them down, and snapped their teeth in his direction.

Seth merely smirked as he landed blow after blow to George, who bit his lip to prevent himself from crying out in pain, knowing that it was what Seth wanted to hear.

George! The brunette heard Sapnap and Dream call out in anguish, through their mind link.

He tried to lift his head to show them that he was alright, but Seth landed a strong blow to his stomach, and that just knocked him out again. The last thing that he could hear was his mates' voices calling out to him.


George felt a soft breeze brush against his skin, and tried to open his eyes. But when he felt something lick him gently across his cheek, he immediately sat up.

He turned and saw a white wolf with blue eyes sitting next to him.

"Aiden?" he asked.

"Yup!" Aiden replied and George hugged him.

"Where are we?" George asked.

"The astral plains," the wolf answered.

George stood up and realized that he was a few meters away from the edge of the island. Curious, he cautiously approached the edge and peered down. He spotted a few other islands below that where partly covered by cotton candy colored clouds, and there were several floating above him as well. There appeared to be a force field right on the edge of the island, to prevent anything from falling off.

Aiden barked to grab his attention, and the brunette twirled around to face his partner.

"Get on!" Aiden said as he stood up and waited for George to get on his back.

The brunette carefully got on the wolf, and gripped onto the fur around Aiden's neck, while digging his heel in to keep him in place.

"Hang on tight!" Aiden said before taking off, and running across the grassy plain.

George gasped in amazement when he saw majestic mountains on his right side, with a great waterfall to complete the magical view. Several other wolves were running in the distance, and he spotted several pups among them too.

They eventually reached a lake that appeared to be right in the heart of the island, and at the center of the lake was a beautiful wisteria tree.

Aiden slowed down and carefully set one paw on the water's surface, surprising George when the water actual held his wolf's weight. Aiden continued to graceful walk across the water towards the tree, where its flowers parted like a curtain to grant them access.

"You can get down now." Aiden said, and George slowly set a foot onto the crystal clear waters, smiling when discovered that he too was being held up.

"And you think that I'm happy with this!" they heard a male voice yell, though it sounded like it was coming from a TV.

The pair walked around the tree to find a woman with long, pitch black hair. She wore a white flowing dress, and was sitting on the tree's roots, while leaning against its trunk.

The woman appeared to be watching two men arguing through a mirror. One man had black hair and piercing blue eyes, and the other man had light brown almost blonde hair with green eyes. Wrapped around their little fingers was a red string that connected the pair together, and it was floated around them in a graceful manner, though it appeared that they couldn't see it.

"I've hated you since the day we met, and you stole my girlfriend from me!" the brunette yelled.

"It's not my fault that you couldn't keep the bitch interested!" the raven head retorted.

"What did you say?" the brunette yelled again.

The raven head sighed, "Forget it, I'm not dealing with your hot head right now Demetri. Just so you know, if it didn't mean spending the rest of my life in misery with a depressed wolf, I would have rejected you as my mate already! I will never love you, and don't expect to be marked by me at all. I can't stand the thought of doing anything intimate with you!"

The brunette scoffed, "Trust me, the feeling is mutual Dominic!"

The pair continued to glare at each other before Dominic let out a huff in frustration, and began to stomp away.

Werewolves huh? So they're mates that hate each other, but Tristan did mention that during cases like this-

George wasn't able to continue his line of thought, since the woman let out a tired sigh and snapped her fingers. The red string tying the two together instantly glowed a bright red, and the minute that Dominic stepped passed the doorway he dropped to his knees and cried out in pain.

Demetri was no different, as he now laid on the ground clutching at his chest and gasping for air. The pair stayed in their positions as they continued to let out anguished cries, till the raven head started to crawl over to the brunette, and the latter did the same.

Once they reached each other, Dominic pulled Demetri into his arms, and the pair embraced. Their faces relaxed as the pain slowly lessened. After a while they tried to pull away, only for the pain to attack them once more. So they submitted to their fate, and just knelt there on the ground while still hugging.

"That bitch of a Moon Goddess must be incredible bored to have set this match up." Demetri stated.

"So she won't even let us stay in different rooms, well this sucks." Dominic said and Demetri let out a grunt.

"I loathe you," Demetri breathed out.

"And I despise you," Dominic stated, before they both rested their chins on the others' shoulder, and subtly breathed in each others' scent.

The woman lets out another sigh as she stands up, before sending the mirror away with the flick of her hand. "Honestly, why do they even try to fight it." The woman said before she turned towards George and Aiden.

"It's nice to finally meet you George, and hello Aiden, I'm glad to see you again." She greeted with a bright smile, while her silver eyes glimmered in the light.

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