Chapter 1

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 18 Years later


"George, it's time to get up," Amanda gently said as she shook her son awake.

George let out a groan but sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

"You best hurry if you don't want to be late for school, I already have the bath filled and ready for you..." she informed before leaving his room.

He hurried off to the bathroom and sank into the warm water, letting out a satisfied sigh. Of all the ways that the pack chooses to pamper him, this is the only thing that he didn't mind.

Being the first born of the Darkened Moon pack after such a tragic incident, George's arrival was viewed as a sign of hope. He really didn't mind at first, since the pack made sure to spoil him rotten. Giving him expensive gifts, allowing him to have sweets whenever he wanted, and showering him with praise for everything that he did. It was a wonder how he didn't end up with a bratty attitude.

The special treatment only intensified when he shifted for the first time and revealed his pure white coat of fur. White wolves were special since they were believe to be able to connect with nature, and possess incredible instincts and strength. The pack unfortunately didn't know much about white wolves, since all their information was destroyed when their old pack house burned to the ground, along with their rather impressive library.

All they knew was that George was special, and when he presented as an omega and a carrier, the pack suddenly became so over protective of him. They refused to let him go out on hunts or anywhere without an escort. Heck, he wasn't even allowed to touch knives in the kitchen without supervision.

It took months for him to convince Alpha Alexander to allow him to train to become a warrior. Arguing that the talents that the Moon Goddess bestowed on him would go to waste, should he be left to do house work for the rest of his life. But though he was clearly better than most of the warriors, he still wasn't allowed to go on rogue hunts nor scouting missions.

George sighed in frustration as he sunk further into the tub, before playfully tapping the surface of the water with his finger. The water suddenly glowed a light shade of blue, and little droplets of water rose from the surface. George moved his hand around controlling the movement of the tiny drops before letting them fall back down to the tub.

This was a secret that he kept from the rest of the pack, including his parents. His wolf had told him of the skill the night of his shift, and since then he has been practicing in secret. He found himself able to control several elements of nature, but he seemed to be better at manipulating water and air.

The reason why he kept this secret, was because Alexander would most likely ban him from honing his powers because it was 'too dangerous.' So he had to resolve to these secret training sessions with only his wolf as a witness. Speaking of his wolf...

You best get your lazy arse out now, or you're going to be late! Aiden yelled in his head.

George let out an amused chuckle, only very few people would dare to speak to him like that. Majority of the pack gave him the utmost respect, and always tried to speak to him formally, another thing that he absolutely hated.

The brunette quickly finished his bath and dressed up simple, before joining his parents downstairs.

"Morning pup, sleep well?" Jeremy asked, and George gave him a smile and nod.

"Eat up honey! Today's a very big day!" His mother stated cheerfully as she placed a large stack of pancakes in front of her son.

"Don't gets your hopes up Mum, you heard what Philza said." he pointed out.

Philza was one of the very few older werewolves of their pack that survived the rogue attack. He was their source of wisdom nowadays, and Alexander would usually turn to him for sound advice.

Philza did warn him on his 18th birthday a few days ago, that he may not find a mate. Though there was so little known about white wolves one fact remained clear, all white wolves that came before him never had a mate.

This did not worry George, but it did effect his parents. Ever since they found out that he was carrier they had expected to be blessed with grandchildren.

"Don't be so negative Georgie! But either way you won't be sleeping here tonight," his dad reminded, wiggling his eyebrows and making George groaned.

Tonight was the full moon of the month, which meant that all single wolves no matter what their age, would be staying at the pack house so their parents and other mated pairs could spend the night alone.

Full moons filled mated wolves with the urge to mate, as their bodies would become highly sensitive and their minds would cloud over with lust.

"Will you be okay spending the night at the pack house George?" his mother asked in concern and he rolled his eyes.

"Yes mother, I'll be fine." he answered as he finished the last bit of his breakfast. He then kissed his mother on the cheek and gave his dad a quick hug. "Bye mum, be dad!"

"George be careful okay, don't come home without Karl or Bad!" his father yelled but George pretended not to hear him. He loved his parents and everyone in the pack, but their over protectiveness was getting suffocating.

He glanced around the area as he walked down the street. Their pack land was situated deep in the woods, with only one road leading to the town nearby. What was once a settlement of tents is now a modernized suburban looking neighborhood. Alexander made sure to become good friends with the mayor of the town nearby, and without giving away their true identify, he managed to convince the mayor to have a cemented road leading to their land.

The pack lands mainly consisted of houses, with the pack house on the outer edge but only the Alpha's family lived there now, everyone else had their own homes. The only time that they would gather at the pack house was when there was a meeting or event.

When George reached the edge of the pack lands, where the cemented road started, he stopped and sat on the bench located near the guard house.

"Hello George!" the guard greeted.

"Hello Wilbur! No scout duty today?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm spending the day training Tommy and Tubbo once my replacement arrives." Wilbur responded, before scanning their surroundings. "Bad and Karl are still not here? You're going to be late if they don't get here soon."

George stood from his seat, "You know I could probably run there," he stated and Wilbur shot him a smirk.

"If you think that I'm going to let you do that after what happened last time, you are sorely mistaken," Wilbur said, George huffed and he sat back down.

The last time that Bad and Karl were late, he had sneaked passed Wilbur, shifted, and ran to school. That day neither Bad nor Karl showed up to school, and when George returned he found the entire pack frantically searching through the area for him. He got quite the scolding from not only his parents but his Alpha and Beta as well. He got lots of hugs after that though.

A car finally pulled up and the window rolled down to reveal his friends, with Badboyhalo at the wheel.

"Oh thank goddess you didn't leave without us, I wouldn't be able to handle another lecture from Alpha!" Karl stated as he released a sigh of relief. George gave them a smile and hopped into the backseat.

"Excited for tonight George?" Bad asked and the brunette merely hummed.

His friend had also reached 18, while Karl still had a year to go.

"Not really..." George replied.

They soon pulled up at their school and after a hurried set of goodbyes, with his friends reminding him to wait for them this afternoon, the trio went their separate ways.

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