Chapter 21

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Aiden doesn't remember much of what exactly happened to him, before he arrived at the astral plains. He remembers it being so dark that he couldn't see a single thing, but it was hot. Too hot for comfort, and he felt a terrible pain all over his body. He couldn't breath properly, since smoke had entered his lungs.

I can't let it end here, I need to save the rest of them... He remembers thinking as he tried to push his body off the ground. His arms collapse under the strain of his weight, and he finds himself on the floor once again.

"Forgive me my Love, I pray we shall met again in another life where we can finally love each other freely. Please take care of my wife and my son..." he remembers saying before he feels the heat disappear, and his body suddenly becomes light.

"I'm so sorry it had to end this way for you..." Aiden hears a woman say, but can't find the energy to open his eyes and see who it is.

"Worry not, you will meet your love again..." She assures.

When he finally does open his eyes, Aiden find himself laying down on a grassy plain, with the wind gently blowing against his cheek. He shakily stands up and walks over to the lake nearby. He stares at his reflection in the water, to find himself now a fully grown white wolf.

"Hello, I'm glad that you're finally awake." A woman says, but her voice was different from the first woman that he heard.

"I am the Moon Goddess, welcome to your new home Aiden." She greeted.

Aiden spent his days on the Moon Goddess's island, exploring every nook and cranny that he could find, and occasionally trying to tear out Mathias' throat.

The timber wolf always found ways to get on Aiden's nerves, and in only got worse when another fully grown wolf arrived on the Astral Plains. This time the wolf had a pure black fur and bore the name Derick.

Derick and Mathias became instant friends. They found great pleasure in messing with Aiden, who would eventually loss his cool and use his powers to attack them. The trio would only stop when the Moon Goddess or another white wolf came along.

The other white wolves welcomed Aiden to their group and taught him everything. They said that he and Derick were special, since they arrived here fully grown instead of pup form.

When the Moon Goddess finally informed him that he would be sent down to earth, Aiden was ecstatic. Mostly because he would finally get away from Derick and Mathias.

Or so he thought...

Aiden blinked as the sun's rays beat down on him, signifying that it was now late afternoon. He tried to sit up but his incredibly sore body refused to move. Damn, they really tore George's ass up, he thought as he laid back down on the bed.

Since Dream and Sapnap fucked George into oblivion, the poor brunette would probably be out of commission for a little while. Till then, Aiden would be in charge of his body.

Aiden groaned, as he tried to focus his werewolf healing ability to George's sore hole. "Goddess! Why do they both have to be so big," he whined.

"Don't complain Aiden, we know that you love our dicks," he heard someone say, and he immediately sat up. Wincing a bit from the soreness that was slowly receding.

He scanned the room, and his eyes fell upon Dream and Sapnap, who were smirking at him playfully. Aiden narrowed his eyes when he noticed that their eyes were not the right color, since Dream's eyes had turn a dark shade of green, while Sapnap had bright amber eyes.

Aiden grabbed the blanket and covered his still very naked self, then cleared his throat. "Mathias, Derick, I wish I could say that it is a pleasure to see you again."

Mathias clutched at his chest, as if he was genuinely hurt by Aiden's words.

"That's just cold Aiden, don't you love us?" he asked.

Aiden snorted, then tied the blanket around his waist. He then stood up, and walked over to them. "We may be mates, but that doesn't make me forget all the shit you pulled on me back home," he gritted out, before pushing past them and heading into the bathroom.

He dropped the blanket on the floor, making a mental note to wash it later since it smelled of sex, then stepped into the shower. He turned it on and was waiting for the water to heat up, when the shower curtain suddenly got pulled back, revealing a still smirking and stark naked Mathias and Derick.

"Mind if we join you?" Derick asked mischievously.

"I do actually, so if you could kindly fuck off and wait your turn," Aiden stated as he closed the curtain once again.

Just as the water started turning warm, he heard the curtain get pulled back a bit. With a sigh, Aiden glanced back and saw Mathias and Derick peeping in.

"Seriously?" Aiden breathed out annoyed.

"Come on Aiden, it will help save water." Derick argued.

Aiden sighed, "Fine, but no funny business." He said before turning his attention back to his shower.

He felt fingers trace down each of the marks on his neck, and jumped a bit in surprise before twirling around to face his mates.

"Sorry, couldn't resist. They just look so perfect on you..." Derick said, his eyes clouding over with lust and Mathias was no different.

Aiden hated how his member was reacting to them, and quickly turned away.

"Aiden don't be shy, please let us see you," Mathias begged.

"You can see me just fine Mat, now let me shower in peace." came the response as he reached over to grab George's soap and shampoo, only for Derick to beat him to it.

"Allow us," Derick said as he handed the soap to Mathias.

Aiden tried to argue, but the minute that their hands touched his skin he melted. I hate this...he declared.

No you don't, Mathias answered.

How are you in my head?

We have finally mated Love, and you are currently using our mate mind link, Derick answered and Aiden blocked them both out.

"Now that's a bit excessive Love. What if you need to contact us?" Mathias said with a sigh.

"Then I will unblock you if necessary, and don't call me that."

"Call you what, Love?"

"That, stop calling me Love. George may like it, but I don't."

Derick smiled at him smugly, "You're lying," he whispered into Aiden's ear.

"Admitted it Aiden, you love it when we show you affection," Mathias whispered into his other ear.

"No I don't," Aiden argued, his breathing becoming heavy with them so close to him.

"I believe that he disagrees with your statement," Derick said, pointing down to Aiden's half hard member.

Aiden cursed under his breath and quickly tried to finish his shower. He flinched when he felt Derick and Mathias' hands slowly trailing down his sides. When their lips started to press against his skin, his knees went weak.

"Let us pamper you Aiden, let us show you how much you mean to us..." Derick whispered into his ear, breaking Aiden's resolve so easily.

"Mat, Rick..." he breathed out, as lust started to cloud over his senses.

"Yes Aiden?" they both asked playfully.

"More..." he said, surprising not only himself but his mates as well.

"If that's what you want..." Mathias started.

"Then we'll give it to you," Derick said.


Hmm... doesn't Aiden's backstory sound familiar to those of you who have read my other books on my first account? (¬ -̮ ¬)

Can you guess who he used to be, and where is he from?  And I wonder why he and Derick are special enough to arrive as fully grown wolves on the Moon Goddess' Island...  

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