Chapter 12

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Early the next morning, George was already in the kitchen cooking up breakfast for the three of them. When he was done, he headed upstairs to the room that Dream and Sapnap shared. He quietly opened the door and found his mates cuddling on the bed.

George's lips tugged up in a smile as he looked at their peaceful, handsome faces.

I love you and all George, but staring at our sleeping mates is creepy.

George rolled his eyes, way to ruin the moment Aiden.

I'm just saying, besides the food's gonna get cold and I'm hungry.

Uhmm we share the same stomach, and I'm not feeling hungry so how can you be hungry?

Because I am not mesmerized by our mates' sleeping faces

Look, I know that you are still a bit mad about being mated to Mathias and Derick, but you've got to move pass this phase...

I will eventually, but for now hurry and wake them up because I'm starving

Again, we share the same stomach! So if I'm not hungry then-

George was cut off when his stomach suddenly grumbled, and his cheeks flushed pink.

Care to continue that sentence George? Aiden stated smugly.

Shut up! George said before he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Wake up you two, breakfast is ready." he whispered gently.

His mates grumbled and groaned, before falling back asleep.

The brunette sighed, "Come on guys, it's time to wake up." he said a little louder.

Sapnap groaned before reaching out for the omega's arm. The raven head gave it a strong and sudden tug, causing George to fall onto the bed.

The brunette had hardly registered what had happened, before he found himself sandwiched between both of his mates. He was facing Sapnap, while Dream spooned him from behind.

"Guys, come on!" the omega yelled in exasperation.

Both the alpha and beta started laughing, well wheezing for Dream's case.

"Good morning Georgie!" they greeted before they each gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright, now that you're up, let's hurry downstairs because you guys have jobs to do." the omega said as he sat up.

"Actually, I was think about taking the day off, so we can properly hang out." Dream stated, and Sapnap nodded in agreement.

"But what about work?" George asked.

"It can wait, we want to catch up on lost time George." Sapnap said as he hugged the omega from behind.

"Okay!" the brunette answered.

The trio then headed downstairs and ate their breakfast. When they were through, George took care of the dirty dishes, while Dream and Sapnap went up to their room to shower and dress.

Dream took a shower first then Sapnap. When the raven head had finally stepped out of the shower he found Dream seated on the bed, already dressed and ready to go. Sapnap quickly changed into his signature look, black long sleeves with a white t-shirt on top that had a fire print on it.

Dream looked at him and smiled, "Come here, let me dry your hair."

Sapnap happily walked over then sat on the floor in front of the blonde, before handing him his towel. Dream gently dried Sapnap's hair, making the beta smile at the affection.

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